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Song Parodies -> "(Buddy, I've Got Few) Thoughts for Crimes"

Original Song Title:

"(Baby I've Got You) On My Mind"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"(Buddy, I've Got Few) Thoughts for Crimes"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

"I used to be somebody in this town... now everybody's got a gimmick." - The Riddler
Buddy, I've got few thoughts for crimes, we can't just rob banks, you know
To gain a reputation, I need a gimmick I can show
Somethin' unique that's only mine
But buddy, I've got few thoughts for crimes

I'm sick of bein' a joke (ev'ry day, it's the friggin' same)
To those hero fools (they wear tights yet I'm mocked? Huge pain)
To them, I'm some schmoe (send no great one-liners my way)
I think they're all tools (roll their eyes? I will show them pain)
So what I need is the perfect gimmick
Somethin' meant to bring their attention to
Yeah-eah, to what I do

I need a theme so my masked face will be all the news will show
Hold the people up in some weird way like with snakes or liq'rice rope
Make all of my demands in rhyme
Man, buddy, I've got few thoughts for crimes

'Cause it's all been done, this blows (real passé to send plants their way)
Really nothin' new (pretend I'm a Greek God? So lame)
Numbers, riddles, jokes (such a pain to make my own name)
Won't do what they do (since they might kill me for that, mate)
There's only so many kinds of gimmicks
Too specific, I'll look pathetic, true

Man, buddy, I've got few thoughts for crimes
And don't you joke that I should try
Disguisin' one as diff'rent types
'Cause I've got few thoughts for crimes, yeah-eah
Yeah-eah, thoughts for crimes

I tell ya, that scheme may work for a few days
Until my head becomes red spray
'Cause to fake someone's motif, mate?
Suicide with egos this frail
No, buddy, I've got few, I've got few thoughts for crimes ("cime don't pay", poorly-said cliché)
May be right, still won't quit today (yeah-eah)
Buddy, I've got few, I've got few thoughts for crimes (I will make people know my name)
Once I find my own method, mate
Yeah, buddy, I've got few, I've got few thoughts for crimes
Yeah, I've got few, I've got few thoughts for crimes
Won't just be an average joe

"When I get out, I'll get back at coppers and pennies! I'll fight coppers - with pennies! Every job I pull will involve pennies! My crime symbol will be pennies!" - Joe Coyne aka the Penny Plunderer aka the actual reason Batman has a giant-ass coin in the Batcave, not Two-Face.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

ChuckyG - November 30, 2023 - Report this comment
Removed comment that was impersonating me, pretty pathetic of the person who left it.

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