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Song Parodies -> "Steak and Gravy"

Original Song Title:

"Hey Baby"

Original Performer:

No Doubt

Parody Song Title:

"Steak and Gravy"

Parody Written by:

Andy Jeter

The Lyrics

I'll be recording this soon... check out soon for the mp3.
You're the kinda girl that needs some thighs
Try a hamburger or some greasy fries
Take it in, don't stay so slim
Dump that doggie bag , just finish it!
Fitness, who needs it?
Fry some chicken
Now get your hands on some cheezy curls
With some hot dogs and frito lays

Just start eating some chicken wings
Watching your weight has no appeal
But a burger in the face, Ain't no disgrace!
Put on some weight soon!

Just have some
Steak Baby, Steak Baby, Steak!
Gravy, Gravy,
Steak Baby, Steak Baby, Steak!
Steak and gravy
Steak Baby, Steak Baby Steak
Mashed potatoes
Gwen won't you please gain some weight
Biggie fries and a double stack

Be the one to feed upon
Oreos and bon bons
And if you eat enough you'll grow an ass
And your boyfriend can say "My baby got back!"
No matter what they say it will be a shame
If your girth just stays the same
So grab some grub and eat and eat
And Bon Appetite!

Just have some
Steak Baby, Steak Baby, Steak!
Gwen Stefani,
Won't you please just gain some weight
Slurp that gravy
Steak Baby, Steak Baby Steak
Gwen Stefani
Have another slice of cake
Voila! Gwen Stefani's got back!

Check it out, it's Belly Filler, and No Doubt

Come on let's have some steak and gravy
Afterwards let's go fridge raiding
There's no need to be a thin lady
Come on baby, steak and gravy

Chips and dips and salsa maybe
When you're not eating steak and gravy
Can you be my one and only plus-sized lady
If no, no gravy, I'll go crazy

Just keep eating those chicken wings
Watching your weight has no appeal
But a burger in the face, Ain't no Disgrace
Let's have some fast food!

[Chorus (2x with some Belly Filler parts in it)]

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.6
How Funny: 4.4
Overall Rating: 4.6

Total Votes: 8

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   3
 4   5
 5   0

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