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Song Parodies -> "We're Short-Handed"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

My Chemical Romance

Parody Song Title:

"We're Short-Handed"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Do restaurants have minimum hiring requirements? I hope so, otherwise situations like this might come about...
Been running ragged all day, no time to stop and just breathe
'Cause that's when I hear the shout of some complete drama queen
They only think of themselves, never of the minimum wage teen
We've got a sizable crowd, I know not all of them stink
It's hard to dwell on that while their screaming makes my ears ring
Can't take a second to stop and ream them out, they'd throw things, yeah-ee-yeah-eah-eah, ho-oh-oh-oh
"Just shut your gob (your gob, your gob)
We've only got five people on (five on, five on)
Three chefs, one waiter and one shit boss who holds the record for the tightest fist"

No, I can't rant on and get in their face
And I just am not allowed to toss them away
So I push myself along and hope the next lot's not as rude

It's not bad most of the year, less of a customer stream
And there will be more than three folks I could call a colleague
But when a holiday's seen, that brings out even more greed, yeah-ee-yeah-eah-eah, ho-oh-oh-oh
Friends lose their jobs (their jobs, their jobs)
And while a part of me know they'll sob (they'll sob, they'll sob)
But there's another part that's all pissed off 'cause now it's up to me to work their shifts

Boss is an asshole, bare minimum pay
And you can ask what is the reason that I stay
Be ready for a long pause 'cause I'm not that sure of the truth

Feel so low, in pain
This blows, not okay
Think all I can tell you is that though I try, can't find another place
It's insane
Ooh-whoa-ho, whoa-ho, whoa-ho

This is a bad job, got laughable pay
Even when no rush is on the docket that day
Still not that many folks on, I'm waiter, cashier and trash dude, come on
And when I do clock out for the crap day
Energy's all gone, get home to slam on my face
So searching for a new job is something right now, I can't do

I need dosh
Can't just
Skive off
This job

This'd probably be the point where I'd insert some quote from that Matt Groening fantasy show or the Enchanted sequel, but that'd involve me knowing any, so instead I'll say that it's really frigging weird for Todd in the Shadows to get his Worst of 2023 list out before DJ Earworm drops this year's United State of Pop.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 117

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   117

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