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Song Parodies -> "Don't Oppose the Silence"

Original Song Title:

"Undisclosed Desires"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Don't Oppose the Silence"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A treatise on lull destruction, a common scourge among terrible children's films.
I have a problem with the kid's films that you write
Whether you're dubbing or from scratch I tend to find
There's loud scenes with no break, I'm sure
That you need a critic's cure

An old but awful lie says children need a lot
Of loud noise all the time or else their brains will wander off
I tend to recognise your films take this to heart
So take on my advice and don't oppose the silence in your art

Claim there's no problem because children are not bright
You treat them like morons, then that's what they will be like
Just trust me, because I know this stuff
Kids need a break for once

You jump from line to line like a game of hopscotch
Kids aren't invested while all of their parents are pissed off
And all the critics write "this film is made of arse"
Best take on my advice and don't oppose the silence in your art

Ooh, oh, ooh, ooh, oh, ooh

Don't mean zero dialogue
Kids need a little pause

Revamping your whole style may seem to be real hard
It's worth it for a line of Oscars, so don't disregard
The base plot is alright, just needs a trim in parts
Then your sad scenes will shine, so don't oppose the silence in your art

Damn, forgot to make a parallel between the unnamed director's films and someone dangling keys in front of a baby.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   2

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