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Song Parodies -> "Linkin Park Dissing"

Original Song Title:

"Nobody's Listening"

Original Performer:

Linkin Park

Parody Song Title:

"Linkin Park Dissing"

Parody Written by:

J.D. Parody (Winkin Shark)

The Lyrics

This is my third and final song (thus far) about people saying that Linkin Park sucks. I'm sick and tired about people complaining about how "mainstream" they've become, and how they should kill themselves and "do a favor" to the music industry. If you don't like their music, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FREAKIN' LISTEN TO IT! And on another note, just because you think they're the worst band in the world doesn't make that a fact-like just because I think they're the greatest band in the world (unfortunately) doesn't make it a fact either.
Verse 1:
Yo I know you hate their style
And you even abhore it
But my #1 question is why don't you ignore it?
I'm listening to my favorite track
And you come and attack
Even though I'm wearing headphones
You shouldn't mind that
I'm just immersed in the rhythm
What kind of problem do you have with them?
With thier non-stop lyrics of life-livin'
I love the song "Forgotten", but you just can't be forgiven
Meanwhile, you're my foes, points out what Linkin Park lacks,
So I suppose maybe you really just want to get hurt
'Cause I think I'll beat you up
For calling Linkin Park "dirt"

I know you don't adore them
Why can't you just ignore them?
[I know it's not the music you like to hear]
So stop the Linkin Park dissing

Please just stop your bitchin'
You don't have to listen
[I know it's not the music you like to hear]
Just stop the Linkin Park dissing

Verse 2:
You cause me so much pain
Make my head a mess
I so feel like punching you
Square in the chest
Don't you have a better way to spend you time?
You hate their times
But you already said that before
I can no longer stand this pressure
This need to go and smash your heads together
I guess all of this gave me something to write about
But it also gave me a reason to scream and shout
I'll always respect their blood, sweat, and tears
Their uphill struggle over years
I like root beer but
I don't like your trash talking
And how it's so crude
So I'm gonna leave you all
Battered and bruised


You cause me so much pain
Make my head a mess
I so feel like punching you
Square in the chest
Their uphill struggle
Blood, sweat and tears
You drive me insane
I like Mug Root Beer

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.5
How Funny: 2.4
Overall Rating: 2.5

Total Votes: 22

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   10
 2   2
 3   4
 4   1
 5   5

User Comments

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Author - April 29, 2004 - Report this comment
At least it got a 2. I must stress how difficult it was to get anywhere near the pacing of the original while still keeping a consistant theme. I also must say that I wrote this long before I got a chance to see "God I Hate Linkin Park" and "God I Still Hate Linkin Park", and all the comments and controversy surrounding those songs. Upon reading them (not the lyrics, I just kinda skimmed through them, I meant the comments), I realized just how bad the LP-Hating situation was. And now, in retrospect, this song seems like an appropriate response to that song, because quite frankly-LP has lots of fans, and most of their fans (unlike me) are normal people (lol). I know a lot of these people, being in their fan club, and I'm deeply offended by not only the band itself being ridiculed, but it's fans as well. We're all people, the fans are people, the band members are people. How would you feel if you read a post saying that you should go kill yourself because a few people think your music is not only bad but has had a negative impact on the music world? NO ONE should be asked to kill themselves for any reason. I'm just really passionate on this subject. lol Even though this is a parody and all, I find now it has great meaning. And I mean, truely, those who don't like LP don't have to listen to their music, for crying out loud!
Coffin Robber OA - April 30, 2004 - Report this comment
this is ALOT better than the crap called "God I hate linkin park"
me - November 06, 2004 - Report this comment
the_chemist - March 15, 2005 - Report this comment
nuero - May 04, 2005 - Report this comment
Hey. You're an idiot. You wrote a parody saying "you don't have to listen to Linkin Park, so stop complaining," when you could have just said, "Hey, if I apply my own theory, I would realize I'm not forced to read every page on the Internet." However, I never applied this theory to the band or my parody, so I don't come out looking like an idiot. I've been told by Linkin Park fans many, many times on my two parodies to kill myself, so maybe you should know what you're talking about. Now, if me making fun of a band and its fans deeply offends you because "we're all people," stop being stupid. Stop insulting people that don't like Linkin Park. Before you say to me, "b-b-but.. you're making fun of Linkin Park fans! Wah wah wah!" please realize that I don't care. People can feel free to mock me and my parody, and I'll feel free to make fun of them in return. I don't care if Linkin Park is popular or not, but your "hey lol don't listen to them" theory doesn't really work when I don't put effort into hearing them, yet still do. I don't care if they've "sold out" or "gone mainstream" because honestly any band probably would given the chance. Their music is annoying, their style is annoying, their vocals are annoying and pretty much anything I can think of about this band is annoying. Saying, "hey, guys, let's make an anime video. Anime is cool with the kids!" is annoying. I know you didn't write this song with my parodies in mind, but you sure did mention them later! In fact, your song is such an appropriate response to my song, even though you admit you didn't read mine. You're a hypocrite with pretty much every message you try to deliver with your parody, and so I guess the title of the original song might fit even better here: nobody's listening.
sakura - July 05, 2005 - Report this comment
I respect wat u think though it is ur opinion i jus hope u respect mine cause u can never change wat i think. I can never change wat u think u might even say i'm chattin bad stuff but it still will not work u can't change my mind i can't change urs. Sorry for swearing in the other message i sent i wasn't vex jus hyped up cause i don't really say my opinions much, i'm abit shy lol
Matt - July 11, 2005 - Report this comment
wtf is this? ur dissing an awsome band what is wrong with you people are u listing to to much sex music like 50 cent and jay z? Linkin Park rocks more then half of there songs have awards, so i dont know why people dont like them there awsome and there album hybrid theary sold 10 million copies, so guess what u can diss it all u want but its an awsome band
Author - August 29, 2005 - Report this comment
Wow, I actually got the "Linkin Park Disser", to respond to this...I haven't been back to these pages in a while...true, the lyrics for "Linkin Park Dissing", might have been...slightly inpspired by things like your lyrics...but I'm talking about people who in real life are going around being disrespectful about it, you say you like Linkin Park, they say "LINKIN PARK SUCKS!", and even worse, they even say it like it's a FACT. No, idiot, it's your opinion-it's your right to have it, but it offends me to hear you talking about it like it's a fact. Now, I have to say that my Linkin Park fandom has wanned recently, sometime after their Jay-Z collab, the "timeless" quality their music had to me, my ability to just listen to ever one of their songs over and over and never get sick of it, has just faded. Sure, I can still listen to it, of course I don't really get "sickened" by it, it just isn't as "cool" as it used to be-maybe when they release their next original album, it'll renew my interest in them. But for now, I'm tired of most of their old material, I'm more into KoRn and Nine Inch Nails right now. Anyway, what I was mainly talking about is people in real life, or even on message board, who get into your personal space and say Linkin Park sucks...just look at that idiot who just said "STINKIN FART SUCKS", as a comment on my lyrics. I ought click to report it...but then again, it DOES prove my point...they're posting something on a parody written by someone they know is a Linkin Park fan, and saying "Linkin Park Sucks". If you're gonna diss, remember you don't have to listen to them if you don't want to, and you don't have to tell every single Linkin Park fan that you can find that you think their favorite band sucks.
Ben - October 30, 2005 - Report this comment
froggy - November 04, 2005 - Report this comment
dude - November 05, 2005 - Report this comment
who cares if people hate Linkin Park. Linkin park has haters and non haters u cant change peoples mind about them hating on what music and what not. I especially dont like Linkin Park cuz i kno nerds in my school and more that listen to it. So if i listen to it, it would make me look bad. Nerds in my school be braggin about how Linkin Park is better then any song makes me hate the song soooooo just tellin u my oponion peace
Ezra - February 04, 2006 - Report this comment
LINKIN PARK ARE AWESOME! *gives you a picture of Joe and Mr. Froggy*
Author - April 05, 2006 - Report this comment
I can't believe how this has all degraded into a bit of flaming and hating, is Linkin Park good or not? Dude...dude! Dude, you don't like Linkin Park because "nerds" listen to it? You're worried about your image? That is just...lame, no offense. And I don't think they're called "nerds", I think they're called "goths", or maybe they are nerds...or even worse-GOTH NERDS! Freakin' huge eye classes, faces painted white, and completely black clothes with suspenders! We need to start hybridizing the stereotypes! But anyway, my point is...who cares what kind of people listen to the music? If you just don't like the sound or style of it...fine, but don't hate it just because of who listens to it. People won't think you're a loser if you listen to Linkin Park, only if you go around saying how cool they are and how much better they are than other bands, THEN you might look like a nerd. That's just my two cents.
heh. - May 13, 2006 - Report this comment
speak the truth!
i like your pants - July 03, 2006 - Report this comment
these people who diss them probably sit in their room alone at night mumbilng the words to every song on hybrid theory....and are just afraid their friends will find out but the truth is their doing it too. Where do you think the 10 million copies came from?
jada - July 04, 2006 - Report this comment
I love linkin park...and i too get tired of people dissing them...even still...and it's not like he was bitching and moaning about the LP haters..he made a good parody song that...when one plays the original music..flows quite nicely...and i now have a response to all the "dissers" that tell me LP is wack on my profile.... thankyou -jada(
Super Goku - July 11, 2006 - Report this comment
Awesome Parody dude! I liked yer message in the parody too. I liked yer passionate debating too,Ima save this page and show it to all freakin LP dissers.Like Jada,I too thank you for this parody. Can't say anything much,but man,this is too good...I'm SpElLbOuNd
Yumi_Kuroy-chi - August 22, 2006 - Report this comment
Omg! linkin park is awesome!
Joel Martinez - October 29, 2006 - Report this comment
Linkin Park is great, your not since you haven't made any new parodies! Just because Linkin Park has not made any new albums does not mean you had to quit updating it! Put yerself together man!!
Professor Sherman Klump - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Their problem is that they have done very few songs (all with a boring and predictable formula) and today make only very horrid remix. LP will die soon in our memories.
Author - November 17, 2006 - Report this comment
The problem is I haven't found any new midis to create instrumentals to record over, and I've only written parodies for songs that I've got music to sing it too. I'll be putting out maybe one or two recordings because I've found some Karaoke versions of their music that I MIGHT be able to sing over (unless of course there's too many back-up vocals, then it might sound weird). The songs I might be able to do are "One Step Closer (To the Fridge)", "Points of Atari" (which I might also perform live for a play I wrote and shall be directing on video game violence called Murder Simulator), and "The Rights to their Songs". I've recently re-written the PoA one in anticipation of the possible re-record and live performance. Most of it was simply honing the words so that they make more sense and also match the pace of the original song better. I may or may not post the new draft here. I couldn't remember the whole thing I wrote about goth nerds, when I read it I wasn't sure if it was actually me, but it's hillarious.
lozzie - April 17, 2007 - Report this comment
omg dude that parody rules! omg neway linkin parks songs are the best, i love their new song what ive done and anyone that dont like em are obviously nerds =] so if u dont like em get a life...
Joel Martinez - May 06, 2007 - Report this comment
I'VE WAITED 2 YEARS! TWO WHOLE YEARS FOR THIS EVENT!! AND NOW IT'S PAID OFF!! BY MAY 15, THEIR NEW ALBUM WILL BE MINE!!!! WA HA HA HA !! (p.s., kind of ironic, Lozzie, cause I admit I'M a nerd, but this is my favorite band!)
author - June 03, 2007 - Report this comment
Well, the album really sucked the first time I listened to it, but fortunately it improved with repeat listenings. lol It's crazy how this one song as probably gotten more comments than all the others combined-and started some silly debate about whether or not Linkin Park sucks. Yeah, you have the right to your opinion if you think they suck, but don't go around talking about your opinion like it's a fact. I've probably said that before, but anyway. Yeah, and I do see some fault in the idea of this parody-when a band gets really popular they're playing on the radio a lot and taking away airtime from the bands you think are actually good-still there is a dial on your radio you can turn, that is if there's another radio station you think might have a song you like. In any case... Winkin Shark will return...
Blake - July 07, 2007 - Report this comment
Yeah when i first listen to the album i THOUGHT it sucked but..i read the lyrics and listened to it more and i grew to realy apreciate their music =D. all u linkin park haters plz keep ur opinions to yourself
Joel Martinez - November 04, 2007 - Report this comment
Yeah, it just goes to show you. No matter what they come out, LP will always kick bacon! ROCK ON MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT!!
someone - January 03, 2008 - Report this comment
roflroflroflroflrofl stinkin fart gtfo
Fred - January 14, 2009 - Report this comment
linkin park fvckin suck - July 18, 2010 - Report this comment
linkin park is gay nu metal sh-it. and their fans are a bunch of ignorant posers hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

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