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Song Parodies -> "Webs are Spun Around"

Original Song Title:

"When the Sun Goes Down"

Parody Song Title:

"Webs are Spun Around"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

The tale of a guy who reacts to any hint of arachnid activity by freaking out and spraying the shit out of it.
I well know in my homela-and
There's a-a lot of spide-ers he-ere, man
I tend to freak when I see the sight
Of their webbin', it's not, no-ot right

Their webs are spun around ev'ry groove in
The walls 'round my hou-ouse, I'm not feelin' a-all right
Webs are spun arou-ound and so I've gotta
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around

Para-anoid, get very unea-easy
When I see those strands flitter each time it's bree-eezy
I may go a-a tad overboard
Those webs they've spu-un arou-ound won't be spun no more

Webs are spun around, I'll be doomin'
Those pricks will go do-own, I will spray 'em o-on sight
Webs are spu-un arou-ound and I don't want 'em
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around

Wish I-I could stop my near-constant panic
Know spiders nom on mozzies, they cause havoc
But they just make me itch, tha-at grates
Spiders? Too many poisonous ones to list, ma-ate

Webs are spun around, I'll be usin'
So much Raid right no-ow, I'll be seein' a-all white
Webs are spu-un arou-ound (around), they make me wanna
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around (webs they've spun a-arou-ou-ound)
Webs are spun around, I'm still fumin'
They'll kill me right no-ow if I don't act soo-oon, right?
Webs are spu-un arou-ound, I need to stop 'em
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around

Webs are spun around, somethin's movin'
Swear I saw it now, even if I'm no-ot ri-ight
Webs are spu-un arou-ound, it's a precaution
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around
Webs are spun arou-ound, they're all douches
Freakin' me right out, they'll sneak up a-and bite
Webs are spu-un arou-ound, they make me wanna
Spray down all the bloody webs they've spun a-around

They'll get me in the-e ni-ight
Webs are spu-un arou-ound, seems they won't stop it
Too skittish to squash 'em, spray those webs ri-ight down
Webs are spun around, I-I feel quite stupid
When no legs fall down, I was too twitchy
Webs are spun around, but I'm still gonna
Spray the bug spray on the webs they've spun a-around

The only difference between the singer in this parody and myself is that I don't spray absolutely any bit of web, just be incredibly cautious. Also I wouldn't break out into a country number, though that's just true of any situation you'll find me in.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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