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Song Parodies -> "Let Me Show You What Drugs Can Do"

Original Song Title:

"What Love Can Do"

Original Performer:

Bruce Springsteen

Parody Song Title:

"Let Me Show You What Drugs Can Do"

Parody Written by:

Tony Wiseguy

The Lyrics

Hey ladies wanna come and get romantic with me. Yeah I'll be your Knight in shining armor.....let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me take you to a place called Amsterdam.
We'll smoke some pot and some hash too.
Throw those flowers he gave you in the trash can.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.

Darlin' now we'll snort cocaine,
And take a trip to Peru.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.

Well our nostrils flared up and our hair stood on end,
And we weren't even sniffing glue.
Well you never got stoned with your last boyfriend.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.

Darlin' I'll make you forget about clothes and jewelry too.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.

When the mesc I gave you makes you lose focus,
Than you better listen to the Dead, its a must.
When acid you take makes your mind drift like wind,
Than you know I'm your friend.
You know I'm your friend.

Now he promised you everything money could buy,
And even said, "I Love You".
But he didn't shower you with the joys of getting high.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.

Now its time to forget that old flame.
Who needs another pair of new shoes?
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
Let me show you what drugs can do.
All my lyrics are copyrighted.

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