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Image Parodies -> Album Covers -> S -> Silverchair - Freak Show

Albums aren't only known for their artwork, they can also be well known for an iconic piece of artwork that adorns the cover. Here at amIright, we're not content with parodying just the music and lyrics of songs, we need the whole package! So we've begun replacing the artwork on the various artist summary pages with new album covers submitted by visitors to the site.

The first image on the page is for Silverchair - Freak Show, followed by the original. Also check out the most recent parody covers submitted to the site.

Album Cover Parody

Album cover parody of Freak Show by Silverchair
Original album cover of Freak Show by Silverchair
Comments: Ladies and gentlemen... or whores and johns... I give you Lord Barnbury of Massachussetts, the patron slut of scandal. Submitted by: Sarcastic Paranoid

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Voting Results

Visual Appeal: 3.6
Liked: 3.6
Funny: 3.4

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Visual Appeal Liked Funny
 1   1
 2   1
 3   1
 4   1
 5   3

User Comments Follow...

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

dude - October 30, 2006 - Report this comment
Barney Frank... wow... just wow. that's the most topical thing the noecons fear at the moment. oh wow, he's like gay. there's no gay republicans in office (any more) (that we know of). I guess when the party can't boast about it's successes with 6 years of control of all branches of government, this is the best they can do. How about a Ted Kennedy joke too... or maybe a Clinton whine?
magnolia fan - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
i see that you have once again managed to drive everyone but yourself from the covers submission page, s.c. hope you feel good about sabotaging the efforts of people who just want to entertain us. your wannabe-tough talk from behind the veil of other users probably makes you feel like a “big boy”. what kind of a selfish idiot are you? i’m joining contemptuous crackpot in boycotting this site until chucky d kicks you off.
Chick Daney - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
That’s not a bad idea, Magnolia! I know that you were the one throwing around the r word again, Sarcastic. You always resort to it! Rather than continuously read childish playground insults, I too will boycott this site. Chucky, please remove Sarcastic’s defamatory covers and comments or you will lose more contributors. If I want to read childish insults, I’ll go to the Republican National Convention website.
Gal Ore - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
Good riddance to the lot of you, I say! People like Contemptible Crackpot who can look at a guy who never got punished for running a gay prostitution ring from his house and say he's being defamed for "being gay" without noticing anything about his unpunished crimes, and yet can rage at Mark Foley for merely saying some off-color things in an IM are not what I'd call mature and decent people. There's been enough skullduggery in Washington to go around, but come election season, it's always time to focus on your opponents' sins and never on your own. Remove the beam in your eye before you try plucking at the mote in your brother's.
dude - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
save the lies Sarcastic... Frank was investigated, "the House ethics committee absolved Frank of allegations that he was aware that Gobie was allegedly using Frank's D.C. apartment for prostitution." Keep lying about something from 15 years ago, and maybe people will believe the lies eventually huh?
ChuckyG - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
If you don't like the political stuff, don't read it. Your boycott doesn't impress me or make me want to change my mind.

Sarcastic, stop with the personal attacks in the messages or the messages aren't going to be the only thing I delete.
Sarcastic Paranoid - October 31, 2006 - Report this comment
"The House ethics committee absolved Frank of allegations that he was aware that Gobie was allegedly using Frank's D.C. apartment for prostitution."

That is, WE RULED THAT THIS A THING WAS SO, AND THEREFORE IT IS SO! That ruling was a travesty, as was the decision to do nothing about Gerry Studds but "censure" him... a slap on the wrist for a crime more serious than Foley's. The continued support for both of these men from the likes of you is both shameful and--in light of your Foley-bashing--hypocritical.

"Keep lying about something from 15 years ago, and maybe people will believe the lies eventually huh?"

Exactly. Pretend that a ruling makes something true, and stick to it, as Frank's supporters have been doing. This is why I don't allow comments on my song parodies: my enemies here are numerous, they all have way too much time on their hands, and they all will assert that truth and morality are to be determined by polls, legal rulings, consensus and/or other vacuous social phenomena. If I disagree, I am personally attacked. If I stop answering, then I have "lost." ChuckyG does not threaten to delete any of that nonsense, of course.

By the way, I installed a very handy feature on my Mozilla Firefox browser recently, and I fully recommend it to you as well: the AdBlock extension. I use it to block every picture I despise, such as political album covers, and you can certainly do the same.
Yubble Doo - November 01, 2006 - Report this comment
Yeah, guys. listen to what the admin says.
Linda Terloon - November 01, 2006 - Report this comment
Gal Ore - what are you joking? Gal Ore states: ". . . yet can rage at Mark Foley for merely saying some off-color things in an IM are not what I'd call mature and decent people. " Ummm, first of all, there was a lot more going on than off color remarks and these were CHILDREN. Of course, the republican dummies in power decided to cover it up for the past few years - something the party has had major experience with - cover ups. Keep talking though - what you don't know is that this Foley Pedophile scandal is bigger than you think. Just watch - the GOP stands for Group of Pedophiles.
ChuckyG - November 02, 2006 - Report this comment
Threaten? listen up, you INSULT PEOPLE you get your messages REMOVED. you're not persecuted because I'm some pinko-lefty, your messages get removed because YOU refuse to follow the site rules.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.


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Disclaimer: makes no claims of ownership of the original image. The photoshopped image is copyrighted by the original submittor, not amiright. Rights not reserved or granted by