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Image Parodies -> Album Covers -> R -> The Rolling Stones - Flowers

Albums aren't only known for their artwork, they can also be well known for an iconic piece of artwork that adorns the cover. Here at amIright, we're not content with parodying just the music and lyrics of songs, we need the whole package! So we've begun replacing the artwork on the various artist summary pages with new album covers submitted by visitors to the site.

The first image on the page is for The Rolling Stones - Flowers, followed by the original. Also check out the most recent parody covers submitted to the site.

Album Cover Parody

Album cover parody of Flowers by The Rolling Stones
Original album cover of Flowers by The Rolling Stones
Comments: Submitted by: Tor Hershman

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Voting Results

Visual Appeal: 4.0
Liked: 4.1
Funny: 3.9

Total Votes: 10

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Visual Appeal Liked Funny
 1   2
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   7

User Comments Follow...

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SOTM - October 27, 2007 - Report this comment
First of all, Tor, Bisquick is not technically a flour. And the Jiffy is a corn muffin mix. King Biscuit would have been a better choice.
Tor Hershman - October 27, 2007 - Report this comment
As moi looks upon the box of Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix, held within moi’s ole fingers, moi takes note of the “INGREDIENTS: _________[#1 izzzzzzzzzzz]_________ WHEAT FLOUR.” _________ Now, why don’t you take a guess at what the #1 ingredient in Bisquick is. Stay on Groovin’ (Read those labels) Safari, Tor
SOTM - October 29, 2007 - Report this comment
Just because it is on top of the ingredients list does not make it a flour. I only read what's on the front of the box, which is where a majority of people read because it has the biggest lettering. Call me blind or an idiot, but I don't really give a s*** what's on the side of the box, which is why I eat a lot of junk food. See ya when the lettering on the ingredients gets bigger
Jambo - April 23, 2009 - Report this comment
Very little appeal in any area.. I would suggest giving up the whole parody album thing altogether, and taking up a proper metier, such as underwater basket-weaving, or similar.

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Disclaimer: makes no claims of ownership of the original image. The photoshopped image is copyrighted by the original submittor, not amiright. Rights not reserved or granted by