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Song Parodies -> "I'm Cindy Sheehan I am"

Original Song Title:

"I'm Henery The Eighth I Am"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"I'm Cindy Sheehan I am"

Parody Written by:

Linda Terhune

The Lyrics

I'm Cindy She-e-han
Cindy Sheehan yes I am
I met Bush once and liked him then
I said he was sincere and truly genuine
But Michael Moore got a hold of me
Used me - that's the nature of this man
Now I say that Bush is evil
My name Cindy She-e-han

Second verse differs from the first

I'm Cindy She-e-han
Cindy Sheehan yes I am
My son signed up for a second term
To serve in Iraq - his resolve very firm
But I don't care what he'd think of me
Making his death meaningless as I do
It's mine I'm Cindy She-e-han
My 15 minuets – thank you!

Third verse differs from the first

I'm Cindy She-e-han
Cindy Sheehan yes I am
I'll help terrorist to win their war
Leave Iraq - their troubles just ignore
No military believe as me
Neither do most all their families
My name is Cindy Shee-e-han
This country I will bring to it's knees

Last verse same as the first.

I'm Cindy She-e-han
Cindy Sheehan yes I am
I met Bush once and liked him then
I said he was sincere and truly genuine
But Michael Moore got a hold of me
Used me - that's the nature of this man
Now I say that Bush is evil
My name Cindy She-e-han

Your Vote & Comment Counts

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.0
How Funny: 2.9
Overall Rating: 2.9

Total Votes: 85

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   38
 2   6
 3   1
 4   1
 5   39

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Left hand of darkness - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
Yeah, that's right, let those ungodly, terrorist-loving, leftwingextremist mothers who have lost their kids in combat have it. If a man ain't quick or smart enough to stay alive over there he must be a double agent doing the A.Qs job for them and to show their support for the American way their mothers outta condemn their kids for dying as traitors like that. You go girl!
Royce Miller - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
I was going to say you go girl, but the left hand beat me to it. But the 5's are from me.
Paul Robinson - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
Well, Linda, I'm not voting here. A few technical points and issues: You need to do a better job of proof-reading and editing. You've got Cindy having “15 minuets"...that's quite an interesting image, especially in camp-out clothes in the Texas desert heat, but I don't think that's what you were trying to say. If it was I'd sure like to know who she was dancing with so I could complete the image in my mind. You singularized "terrorist" but it looks like it should be plural there. Pace was mostly alright, since the original song itself allows for quite a bit of awkwardness...kind of adds to it's charm, actually...but the "slop allowance" only goes so far...your 4th line has about 3 syllables too many and just doesn't fit even within the loose parameters of the OS. I'm not going to comment on the content specifically, except to say that sometimes internal nastiness can come through on the page and overwhelm whatever message the author is trying to impart.
dude - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
It's always nice to see the right wing noise machine focus attention where it should be, the mothers of decessed war veterans. The way they attack this woman's opinions, you'd think she was a policy maker in Washington. Too bad they'll spend less time evaluating the people Bush appoints, and more time attacking someone with a small but vocal opposition to their policies.
A Mom - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
It's this type of stubborness and intolerance that has resulted in so many American men and women being killed. This poor woman lost her son. Please, have some compassion. Shame on you.
Parody Cop - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
In case you didn't know, TOS is performed by Herman's Hermits. I wish you people would stop crediting "Unknown" as the original performer; if you don't know who did it, do your research.
Steve K. - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
Hey "Mom", who's being more intolerant, someone who expresses their honest disagreement with Cindy Sheehan, or someone who beheads people or blow them up for not being of the same religion they are? (I'm not referring to Pat Roberson or Jerry Falwell here.) "Dude" - Why is it that when someone disagrees with Bush, it's "dissent" and even "patriotic", but when someone disagrees with Cindy Sheehan, it's an "attack". For both of you, disagreement is NOT intolerance.
Dudette - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
Steve - the writer is intolerant. Were you referring to George W. Bush? You have it all wrong, when someone disagrees with Bush it's determined to be unpatriotic. Cindy Sheehan's son died in a war which she disagrees with, this author atttacked her by saying that she helps terrorists. I agree with "mom" - it's shameful.
Agrimorfee - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
I think we need to have Linda T.and William Tong. have a intelligent and civil parody face-off. Who's up for that? Like many politically charged parodies, this doesn't entertain but makes one feel a nauseated at the harshness. 222
John Jenkins - August 24, 2005 - Report this comment
Some room for improvement in the parody, but some good points expressed. Particularly the line about helping terrorists. When Ms. Sheehan calls the insurgents in Iraq "freedom fighters," and this gets played on Al Jazeera, this definitely helps the terrorist cause.
Paul Robinson - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Agrimorfee - why not just have them mud-wrestle...somewhere else...
Ollie North - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
Libby Rull - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Linda, reading your parodies is like listening to Rush Limbaugh.
Michael Pacholek - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Ideology aside, your parodies stink. You have as much talent for writing these things as Bush has for reading them. Your pacing is awful, your rhymes are lame, you didn't know who did this (which is laughable), and get your facts/lies straight: When did Mrs. Sheehan meet with Moore? Face it, if you were on my side, I wouldn't want you there. "Libby": No, this is not like listening to Drug Rush. His big fat lies are occasionally entertaining. Not only that, every once in a while, he does something Linda is incapable of: He writes a good parody! Even if his own substance abuse problem ends up landing him in more trouble than his former favorite target (before Bill) Ted's ever did.
Annette - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Hey Dad, Do me a favor and label this "The Marine" and send it to everybody on your email list. Even leave this letter in it. I want this rolling all over the US ; I want every home reading it. Every eye seeing it. And every heart to feel it. So can you please send this for me? I would but my email time isn't that long and I don't have much time anyway. You know what Dad?I wondered what it would be like to truly understand what JFK said in His inaugural speech. >>>>>>>> "When the time comes to lay down my life for my country, I do not cower from this responsibility. I welcome it." >>>>>>>> Well, now I know. And I do. Dad, I welcome the opportunity to do what I do. Even though I have left behind a beautiful wife, and I will miss the birth of our first born child, I would do it 70 times over to fight for the place that God has made for my home. I love you all and I miss you very much. I wish I could be there when Sandi has our baby, but tell her that I love her, and Lord willing, I will be coming home soon. Give Mom a great big hug from me and give one to yourself too. Aaron
Give Peace A Chance - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Annette: We're so sorry that our president has engaged in an unjust war which has forced families to be split up while he takes revenge for what he feels was done to his father. We hope you, yours and every one else who has been duped into believing that the war in Iraq is a war on terror comes home safely. If we had it our way, no one would be in harm's way. Please accept our apologies for the simple minded acts of our president and please pass along our thanks. Senator Hagle is right, it's another Vietnam. Peace Americans for Peace
Robert J. Pagliaro - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Ah, Linda? Are you ok? (No vote)
Linda - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Thank you STEVE, you are right on the money! --------- As for the rest of you; Cindy Sheehan said clearly and loudly, "AMERICA IS NOT WORTH FIGHTING FOR" (and many other horrible statements). She is being used and THAT IS A SHAME! Of course, people can be sad about her loss, but what she is doing is against military and their families. As for the "shame on you" crap, that is merely a smoke screen because you should know she is wrong, very wrong - so shame on you for throwing out smoke screens just to look like it is wrong to go against what she is doing to so many people just for your political party name. Moreover, those using her and her son's death, helping the terrorists, and hurting our own --- double shame on them.
Linda - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Michael Pacholek " Gosh, I am unbelievably hurt by your feelings about my parodies. Fortunately, unlike you with your sorry life, I do not base my self-esteem and self-worth on comments by you or others who are far left radical, newbie political wannabes. I find your political parodies to be juvenile and lacking in real solid content. I find your opinions to be tiresome and redundant. Simply because I do not subscribe to your apparent ignorant views and I am not one of your brown nosing fans doesn’t make you right, just more pathetic than I once imagined.
Linda - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Robert J. Pagliaro - Thank you for asking, yes, I am fine! Go ahead and vote, it is fine by me. Give me 5's since I accidentally gave myself ones, it would be the same turnout. Again, thank you for your concerns about my welfare, hope you are okay too. ----------John Jenkins - I am new at this, but thanks for the compliments! --------Left hand of darkness - ??? ------Royce Miller - Thank you! ------Paul Robinson - thank you for your tips! ---- Dudette - yawn. ----- Agrimorfee - William Tong is a chicken shyt who cannot allow comments on his redundant parodies with the words "dummy" and "dumb" being at the top of his vocab used... but I'd be game! ---- Ollie North - true! ------ Libby Rull - Thank you, I will take that as a compliment!
Robert J. Pagliaro - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Done - I wasn't going to vote at all, but if you voted yourself ones, I have no problem with casting for you. (Shameless plug follows) - how about reading my "Christ's Been Good" and tomorrow's "King Dub" (to Steve Martin's King Tut)? You don't have to vote. Glad you're ok. bob
Linda - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Robert J. Pagliaro , I appriciate your vote and wanted to say that I did go and read "Christ's Been Good" and commented on it and rated it both. I could not find the other song though. I used the search feature and the songs written by you (parody authors) sections and could not find it, sorry!
Robert J. Pagliaro - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
You da bomb. Sorry - didn't mean to waste your time there. "King Dub" should be posted tomorrow - just submitted it. Thanks for your comments and I did answer your question. Later. bob
Linda - August 25, 2005 - Report this comment
Robert - You ain't so bad yourself, (putting aside your political preference issues). You did not waste my time - I wanted to read them and I will look for your parody tomorrow
Michael Pacholek - August 26, 2005 - Report this comment
"I accidentally gave myself ones." That may be a first. But what do you expect from someone who believes George W. Bush over the Democrats? Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight. You can talk about my "overblown ego" all you want (and that's as close as you'll ever get to the truth), but of all the Amirighters, including those whose politics I find offensive, you're the only one who ever gave him- or herself ones. With a self like you, you don't need me as an opponent. You are your own sabotage. You are the pretzel you choke on.
Linda - August 26, 2005 - Report this comment
Michael Pacholek - oh gawd. What was the reason you posted again? What drove you, I am honestly curious. But if you have chosen not to be my opponent, that's a good thing that came out of giving myself ones! Maybe you are learning to laugh at yourself as much as you laugh at others rather be such an all or nothing kind of guy... a good thing!
Annette - August 30, 2005 - Report this comment
From: Partner Organization Re: Cindy Doesn’t Speak for Us While the media has called her the anti-war mom, and raised her like a hero for her campsite vigil to her fallen son, Casey, others have a different view … a view that the media isn’t rushing to cover. In our eyes, Cindy Sheehan is selfish. She is disrespecting her son’s legacy, and those of others who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. But she is doing something else that is even more disturbing. By playing to the cameras, and using the media to get her “anti-war” message out to the world, she is putting our brave forces at greater risk. Over the last number of days, her message plays out over CNN nearly every hour, “I am here in Crawford to tell our President to bring our soldiers home.” We are assuming she wants them brought home alive, but does she realize that her actions are actually increasing the chances that more of our soldiers will be killed"and more mothers will grieve? Can she comprehend that her anti-war message is sweet music to the ears of our militant islamo-facist foes? The terrorists cannot defeat us militarily, but when they see, and Cindy Sheehan spouting their anti-war rhetoric they become infused with excitement and emboldened to create more chaos. In listening to the liberal media’s accounts of what is going on in America and their reports of a “growing anti-war” sentiment, they conclude that Americans are losing their will to fight. Are we saying that the Cindy Sheehan’s of the world don’t have the right to speak out? Absolutely not. Even though the ACLU’s is feverishly trying to silence the conservative voice of America, we can still speak freely, but with restraint"and so should she. Leading up to war, is the time to debate, and question. However, when our troops are in position, and taking fire, we have a responsibility to fall in line and support their efforts"even if we may not completely agree with why we are there. That is how wars are won. Win or lose, we must project a united front. All for one, and one for all. Anything short of that shows a lack of commitment and resolve that can be exploited by a sinister enemy. Contrary to what Hollywood and the radical left believe, spouting anti-war rhetoric in front of CNN cameras during a war is not supporting our troops. We believe it is anti-American. Instead of demanding our troops cut and run so they can be brought home, why not protest their lack of Kevlar armor, and the need for better fortified HumVees? If we truly want to bring them home as quickly as possible, then we should do everything in our power to make certain they have whatever they need to GET THE JOB DONE! That is why Grassfire aggressively countered Cindy Sheehan and by placing more than 2 miles of “Support Our Troops” yard signs directly across from Sheehan’s camp this week. Like Sheehan, we want our men and women brought home too, but we value the virtue of duty, and their commitment to get the job done. We refuse to disrespect their efforts. Our hope for these 1,000+ yard signs in Crawford, Texas was to show our troops (who also get CNN) that our message is just as strong now as it was when Grassfire placed more than 100 “yellow-ribbon” billboards in Kuwait City (then a key staging area for our troops). Back then, we wanted them to know that we love them, pray for them and stand by them every step of the way. We hoped through our “Support Our Troops” campaign (even remotely) that news organizations would put their bias on hold"even for a moment to convey another message to our troops"a message that says, “Cindy Sheehan and are not the voice of America.” But alas, they preferred to keep their cameras and microphones in front of a grieving mother on an anti-war mission … a mission that is tragically putting our troops at greater risk. No. Unlike Cindy Sheehan, our message has not wavered. And it won’t.
Nanette - August 30, 2005 - Report this comment
In order to reduce the effort required to express my own thoughts, or to even have them, I am just going to cut-and-paste large chunks of text from other websites.
Annette - August 31, 2005 - Report this comment
Nanette - What ever floats your boat, (however to be totally correct, this is from an email (not a site) and your sarcasim is pretty weak)
Nanette - August 31, 2005 - Report this comment
In order to reduce the effort required to express my own thoughts, or to even have them, I am just going to copy-and-paste large chunks of unformatted spam.
Paul Robinson - August 31, 2005 - Report this comment
Well, "Nanette", you must understand that some folks are simply unable to read, assimilate, process and then formulate original thought(s), so paste and cut they must. Of course they are entitled to their view (singular, apparently...only one view for everyone...nice and neat and tidy). Now, "Annette", I didn't take the time to READ that whole jumble, but certain parts caught my eye, for instance - "Leading up to war, is the time to debate, and question."...Huh? Uh, "Leading up to the War" we were constantly misled and lied to in order to angle everyone who counted into supporting the invasion. Had the truth been known about WMD's (none so far and not likely ever...unless somehow planted later) and the phony uranium tube/Niger stuff and a number of other items either left out or misrepresented to bolster a specious case for this war it might have been possible to have a legitimate debate...that was not the we have dissent and rancor now...and grieving mother's wondering "Why?" more thing..."Support the Troops"? You bet I do..."fall in behind" what I perceive as poor policy and inept and dishonest leadership? Not on your life, but more to the point, not on the lives of those soldiers...they deserve better than what this Administration has done to (yes, to) them...I can dislike (or hate) the Islamo-Fascists and STILL totally disbelieve this Administration's feeble efforts to mislead and cover-up their failures and false assumptions...and I can't think of a better time than now to do so, because the past, dear lady, is gone...
No no Annette - August 31, 2005 - Report this comment
So you drank the kool-aid too, huh? What flavor are the passing out today? Regarding your statement, ". . .she is doing something else that is even more disturbing. By playing to the cameras, and using the media to get her “anti-war” message out to the world, she is putting our brave forces at greater risk." This is the biggest bunch of bs I've ever heard. First of all, our brave forces should not have been sent to Iraq to begin with - the terror came from Osama Bin Laden - your president has not finished that war. IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11 - DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? Second of all, remember that this is America - the citizens of this country have a right to speak out against the government - we like to refer to this as the First Amendment. You can pass all the Patriot Acts you want but the bottom line is that we have Freedom of Speech. SAVE AMERICAN LIVES, GET OUT OF IRAQ NOW - IT'S ANOTHER VIETNAM. Sorry that you can't come up with your own thoughts - but continue to enjoy the kool-aid.
Robert J. Pagliaro - August 31, 2005 - Report this comment
Ah, right, right, right - it's the old "if you're not with us, you're against us." Hey, Annette, I'll tell you what - why don't you and your blue staters form your own country - you can go and start up all the wars you want to, have as many Americans as you'd like lose their lives in the war, and maybe even a few thousand maimings a year too. Hey, you can even make Neal Horsley your top morals cop. Those of us in the Red States don't subscribe to your views. Nice try, but this is not anti-troop - it's ant-Bush and his fascist policies.
Brantley Smith Proud father of a United States Marine Tullahoma, TN - September 01, 2005 - Report this comment
Ms. Sheehan, By your actions over the past two weeks it is clear that you missed an important aspect of Civics 101: With rights come responsibilities. You certainly have the right to voice your opinion against the war in Iraq and the President's policies. You even have the right to camp outside the President's home in Crawford and demand he meet with you. Your status as a mother who has lost a child in the war also gives your words and actions a credibility and a larger audience than otherwise would be the case. Now that your supporters have given you a broad forum from which to be heard, making you a national figure, its time you considered your responsibilities to all of us. I have a daughter set to deploy to Fallujah in two weeks and I have a serious concern with how your irresponsible and short sighted actions might impact on her. She is, after all, a volunteer, like your son, and she is going in harm's way because she believes it is her responsibility to protect your rights and freedoms. Well meaning people like you always seem to forget the law of unintended consequences and in your vanity and arrogant self-righteousness never bother to think through what it is you are trying to do versus what you may actually accomplish. I am here to inform you, Ma'am, that you will not change the policy of our government by sitting outside Crawford making a spectacle of yourself in the name of your rights to free speech; what you will do is provide more propaganda for our enemies and cost the lives of even more brave and selfless American warriors. How long do you think it will be before you become a star on Al Jazeera? For all I know, it may have already happened. One thing is certain, though, and that is that your actions and words will further embolden a ruthless and evil enemy and more American blood will be shed and some of it will be on your hands. I pray that my daughter will not be one of them. If she is, then I will hold you and those like you partly responsible. Yes, my daughter's fate will depend mostly on her own courageous decision to serve, but only the most naive among us can deny the impact our own words and actions here in America have in a world grown smaller by the revolution in communications technology. I am sure you believe that you are serving some great cause by putting our servicemen and women in more danger and that you can, by your irresponsible exercise of free speech, help end a policy you disagree with. Your emotion may be compelling but the reality is that you will not set in motion any process that will change or undo what has been done. The war will go on because to end it now would dishonor the sacrifice of all of our fellow countrymen who have died in the cause of fighting terrorism. Rational Americans will not allow that. Too much is at stake. Unfortunately, shallow and irrational ones, such as yourself, will continue to put the lives of our sons and daughters in danger by aiding and abetting an enemy who sees propagandizing in the mass media as its main weapon in a war it could otherwise not win standing on its own wretched and evil justification of radical Islam, or by force of arms.
Brantley Smith Proud father of a United States Marine -continued - September 01, 2005 - Report this comment
Cont......... You, Ma'am, have joined forces with an evil you neither understand nor apparently have tried to comprehend. You direct your anger toward our country while the enemy plots to kill and maim the innocent. You make a mockery of responsible free speech while thousands of young men and women fight desperately to preserve your safety. Instead of honoring your son's sacrifice you are inspired to comfort an evil enemy. Decades of appeasement to these haters of everything we hold dear has cost thousands of American lives from Beirut to New York and in dozens of other forgotten places. Remember Lockerbie? The Achille Lauro? The USS Cole? We as a people were dragged into this war, much like December 7th, 1941, and we must fight and win it wherever the enemy hides and against whomever would support him. Make no mistake about Iraq. It is both a legitimate and crucial campaign in this much larger, global war of radical Islam's making. These people hate us for who we are, not what we have done. We did not bring this on ourselves, as many would have us believe, by our policies and actions abroad. We brought this on ourselves in 1775 when the Founding Fathers embarked on a course of freedom, tolerance, and liberal democratic and social ideals. These haters of all we hold dear strive to destroy forever a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" that Abraham Lincoln hoped would never "Perish from the earth". They would replace it with an oppressive world theocracy unlike anything modern history has ever seen for its ruthless disregard for personal freedom and liberty. If more appeasement is your answer for an alternative policy, spare us. We have suffered enough from cowardice and inaction. An historical analogy screams to be let out here. It is one of two men, both named Chamberlain. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, a school teacher turned soldier in the American Civil War, found himself in the cross hairs of history on a warm July day in 1863 on a small hill in Pennsylvania. Commanding the 20th Maine Regiment on the extreme Union left at Gettysburg he was in a most perilous position. Should he fail to hold against a strong Confederate attack, the Union could be lost. You see, he was serving in an increasingly unpopular war at home against a resurgent enemy, and for a President fighting for his political life. Colonel Chamberlain, stoic but determined, refused to yield. His small regiment held against an onslaught of Confederate attacks, an action many historians believe turned the tide of the war. He was later awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The other half of this analogy focuses on Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of Great Britain in the years preceding World War II. His story is widely known. Through his policy of appeasement and a lack of moral courage, he handed Adolf Hitler much of Europe. Which side of history have you chosen, Ma'am? Your son died in the service of freedom and my daughter will go in harm's way to protect and preserve it. Honor their sacrifice, Ma'am, by exercising it responsibly. I will pray with you and I will grieve with you but I will not stand by silent while you needlessly and arrogantly endanger the life of my daughter and her comrades in arms. Please bless us with your silence and go home
Robert J. Pagliaro - September 02, 2005 - Report this comment
Save American lives around the world - IMPEACH BUSH NOW Save American livestock - CASTRATE NEAL HORSLEY NOW
chris Rudesill - September 11, 2005 - Report this comment
I think you are missing syllables.
Donovan - September 18, 2005 - Report this comment
She-e-han? God, that is awful writing. Linda leads me to suspect she is not really a parody writer; she's just a right-wing troll who pretends to write, so she can start flame wars that run 10 times longer than her "leer-ics"
Vic - September 22, 2005 - Report this comment
I think you are missing a few screws, or wing-nuts.
carol - November 26, 2005 - Report this comment
linda this parody sucks both rhyme wise and funny wise. 211
Linda - March 25, 2006 - Report this comment
Another expert opinion from the all-knowing critic Carol huh? Golly gosh, I am heartbroken you did not enjoy it, being you are such the author and totally non-partisan and all. You are a staunch hypocrite to the bones, to the bare bones.
carol - April 08, 2006 - Report this comment
linda--so what? you're a damn fool
Linda - April 10, 2006 - Report this comment
--- -- Carol ----- - looks like you caught up on your one-votes!!! Even thouse you were too chicken to comment on, you are as dishonest as they come, totally, completely, the most manipulative person, or the only manipulative person, on this whole site! -=- And I beg your little poor attitude pardon, I am not a hypocrite - sorry hun -- I don't lie about the scores, I do not put someone's song down for no reason at all, if I leave a score, I for the most part leave a comment if it is not high. --- YOU on the other hand ---have a day to day issue with telling the truth EVEN when you do not have to lie, you do anyway! --- You lie about the scores and all of it, try to manipulate with comments in teribly dishonest backhanded ways. You call a song that is not favorable to your personal political beliefs horribly written, or "bad" - and put the song itself down, *(and manipulate bragging about giving other songs a good one), you are all screwed up, you have never stopped -- so I guess you can live with that ugly manipulation, but don't drag it in on one of my parodies, then go flying off with your angel wings and plant ones on my non-political songs. I really do not care about the scoring thing, not like you do. You have been fixed and stuck on that from day one! You can't hurt me, and certainly, you need to take your dishonesty, your rage and your bold face lying to someone who is too stupid to notice it, (very ew one would think, but who knows)
carol - April 11, 2006 - Report this comment
and you're still a damn fool and a shrew to boot. go get laid.
Linda - May 10, 2006 - Report this comment
- - carol - - yacks, - """"" and you're still a damn fool and a shrew to boot. go get laid. """"""""" ......... .............. Tell it to your customers -- -- ----- ----- 10-4 good buddy?
Linda - July 24, 2006 - Report this comment
...and carol returns again, and again, and again, proving once again that this "potty mouthed truck stop hotel bed & breakfasts in her bedroom type" gal is not the pretty little flower she once portrayed herself to be... what a shocker!
Observer - July 25, 2006 - Report this comment
I've read some of your comments Linda and have had extensive experience in the mental health field. Are you ok? I can give you a number to call if you need some help. I urge you to talk to someone about your troubles and what might be causing them. Help is available for you. I'll check back tomorrow morning to see if you need that number. Otherwise, good luck on your road to recovery.
More Sheehan, less Bush - July 25, 2006 - Report this comment
Ms. Terhune: How do you live with yourself? Here's an excerpt of what people around the world think of your president: Peace prize winner 'could kill' Bush Annabelle McDonald July 25, 2006 NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren. Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East, and lambasted Mr Bush. "I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64. "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered. "I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."
At this time - August 02, 2006 - Report this comment
Poor desperate liberals - they'll dog their sisters and kiil their mommies to win an election, (and add comments almost a year after the fact.... sounds down right scared to me)
Your time is Over - August 02, 2006 - Report this comment
Rich lying fascists - they'll "poke" their barnyard animals, kill innocent people around the world and cheat to win an election, (and add comments almost a year after the fact....sounds downright scarey to me)
linda - August 13, 2006 - Report this comment
what bitter little pills
2LD4U - August 14, 2006 - Report this comment
Here is some food for thought Linda, you may want to be the next Rush Limbaugh or the next Newt Gingritch but guess what???? YOU CAN'T! BECAUSE of your gender, your own party has shut you out of your own Facist Americans do not respect bigoted women the way we respect bigoted MEN! But it is not too late......why not join the "lubber lefties" and call yourself a lesbian? The left wing is much more open to women. Look at Hillary Clinton! (If you can bear it)!
Linda - August 29, 2006 - Report this comment
2LD4U - Thanks for the "food for thought" however, I am perfectly happy being me! You must not be a people person because your sureties are way off. Apparently, your perceptions of Hillary Clinton are off a tad too. In polls she doesn’t fair well at all. Judging by the intolerance of your party, especially as of late, and their poor opinions of their icon’s wife, no one is really looking at Hillary as much of anything but a blowhard who did not keep her sole campaign promise when her hubby first ran for president. Finally, I don’t sacrifice my own country for a win; kill babies, date women, collect welfare or wish lead the hate squad of the left so I think I will pass on the ‘chance’ to join the lubber lefties " thanks anyway

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