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Song Parodies -> "Prison Cells"

Original Song Title:

"Jingle Bells"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Prison Cells"

Parody Written by:

Carol Sing

The Lyrics

Maskhole stooges go
So many folks they did slay
Conspired with our foes
Should be put away
Hell's what they did bring
Racists that scream "Kike
You will not replace us"! Their "king"
Rules over this Turd Reich

Out they'd sell, out they sell
The country each day
Document they'd trash or hide
Much evidence stashed away
How they smell, how they smell
It ain't a nosegay
That's steaming from the shit tide
Every day wafting our way

These traitors love our foes
Stand by dictators' sides
Cankered country with blight
Democracy derides
The whores and creeps and skanks
And crooks that could be bought
Washed money through towers and banks
And they laundered a lot!

So prison cells, prison cells
Prison's where they'll stay
If the law does more than chide
Them, they'll be put away
Prison cells, prisons cells
Prisoners wearing gray
Would be fun to watch them ride
In a bus, carted away

Supremacysts white
Around him they hung
They started some fights
On trees, nooses they strung
With hobnail boots they made
Peaceful protesters bleed
And Vile Shittin'house did slay
Two people, "Great"!! they brayed

So prison cells, prison cells
Prison cells, we pray
If the law does more than chide
Them, they'll be put away
Prison cells, prisons cells
When they shower each day
They'd better watch their backsides
A "History X" replay
Tattooed Nazis have their way

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.1
How Funny: 1.1
Overall Rating: 1.1

Total Votes: 53

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   52
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

A Nostly Sane Human Being - December 31, 2020 - Report this comment
You dont mind if I show this to some fencesittering friends of mine, do you? They're still operating under the delusion that you people can be reasoned with

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