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Song Parodies -> "Frosty the Hitman"

Original Song Title:

"Frosty the Snowman"

Original Performer:

Perry Como

Parody Song Title:

"Frosty the Hitman"

Parody Written by:

Ice Zero

The Lyrics

Frosty the Hitman
was a thug who no one dared,
with a Glock 22 and icy glare,
and a frock that said beware.

Frosty the Hitman,
was a souless sneak, they say,
He was tough as grit
as he bit his lip,
leaving bodies where they lay.

There must have been some corpses in
that old knapsack they found,
for when they opened up the string,
there was blood and gore abound!

Oh, Frosty the Hitman,
was as cold as he could be;
and the fed suits say
he could clean and slay
just the same as Ted Bundy.

Frosty, expert as he can be,
see him mopping up dons!
Off he goes on an assassin spree
with his car-start bombs!

Frosty the Hitman,
knew the heat was on his trail,
so he said, "Flatfeet, I will not be beat,
'cause I know I can't get bail."

Racing the highway,
with an Uzi in his hand,
Sprayin' fuzz with lead,
in a path of red,
sayin', "Dang, this life is grand!"

Kept at bay down the alley way,
there stood an Agent Breeze...
Frosty new 'twas life or death,
when the trenchcoat shouted, "Freeze!"

Hmmm, Frosty the Hitman
reaped a grisly scene that day,
As he chilled the guy, sayin', "I'll never fry;
there are still contracts that pay."

Glubbedy, blub glub, blubbedy, glub blub...
It's Frosty the pro!
Glubbedy, blub glub, blubbedy, glub blub...
the victim sinks so low...

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 4.1
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 11

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   0
 4   2
 5   8

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