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Song Parodies -> "Why Barbie"

Original Song Title:

"Why Johnny"

Original Performer:

Megan Monroe

Parody Song Title:

"Why Barbie"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Here is this song that was all about the upcoming 2023 "Barbie" movie, which was soon to be out in theaters for the next few weeks.
Hey, if I could I'd sit you down
Buy you a drink and ask you how
You got a movie watchin'
To slow on down and walk the line and
I'd wanna hear it from the start
How many times did they see the movie?
From what I'm reading
Why didn't you leave him

When he came home late on snacks and drinks
Lyin' through that movie theater
Coming off his world?
What made you wanna make it work?
Did you always know he'd see the carpet
Change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends call you crazy too?
It'd sure help if I knew
Hey Ken, why Barbie?

Did you know the universe inside your bones
He'd be yours and yours alone?
Or were you just going?
And how did you keep going?
I think I've got a Barbie of my own. But will she change?
Watch if I know
Yes, I'm just watching, but how do I keep watching

When he comes home late on snacks and drinks?
Lyin' through that popcorn smell
Coming off his world
What made you wanna make it work?
Did you always know she'd come around
Change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends go to the world too?
It'd sure help if I knew.
Hey Ken, why Barbie?

Why Barbie? And how Ken
Did you make him realize it was the real world?
Did you ever wanna find somebody new?

When he came home late on snacks and drinks
Lyin' through that popcorns smell
Coming off his world
What made you wanna flicker it around?
Did you always know she'd come around
Change his ways and settle down?
Did your friends come to the world too?
Bet you could've had anyone you wanted to

So, hey, Ken, why Barbie?

Why Barbie? How, Ken?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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