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Song Parodies -> "Alpaca "

Original Song Title:

"El Pasi"

Original Performer:

Marty Robbins

Parody Song Title:

"Alpaca "

Parody Written by:

G.R. Broski

The Lyrics

Down at the zoo there's a mean old alpaca
He spit at me as I walked by his cage
He hocked a big one right into my popcorn
This filled me up with unbearable rage

I was disgusted so I told a zoo keep she laughed at me and this made me real sore she told me that this type of thing often happens
I knew alpaca and I were at war

So I swore or or

I would get even with that damned alpaca
I pledged that I would make even the score

I formed a plan that was virtually foolproof
I used some photo's schematics and more
One element was so key to this mission
So I rushed off to the novelty store

It had exactly what my plan required
Just what I needed to vanquish my foe
I purchased myself an alpaca costume
It came with ribbons and bells and with bows

So it go o o's

I smirked and I sauntered outside with my purchase
Thinking alpaca will surely not know
That I was a man in an alpaca costume
There to inflict a most lethal last blow

I clambered into my enemy's Paddock
He stood alone at the end of the field
I started towards him at just a slight quick pace
And soon to him my whole scheme'd be revealed

But as my quarry came closer in si I I ight
I saw the llamas and Camels on left and right.
I paid no heed and I just strove to my prey ey ey ey
They closed the gap and they started to bay

Then came the first load of quadruped
Followed by expectorant fusilades
They covered me with disgusting saliva
I knew there was no way for my get away

Just when I lost hope the circle was parted
In swiftly galloped my sworn enemy
My arch nemisis had morphed into my hero
He intervened and I knew I was free

He led me to the safety of his pe eh eh en
I grunted snorted "thank you" my friend

There was a lustful Gleam in his eye I I I
Thinking I was a female of his kind

I felt a thumping right under my sternum
I recocognized the sweet pangs of amor
We have since mated and we are expecting
We fell in love and will fight nevermore

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 26

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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