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Song Parodies -> "Ode to te F-word"

Original Song Title:

"Ode to Joy"

Original Performer:

Ludwig van Beethoven

Parody Song Title:

"Ode to te F-word"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Recently, a representative of the Anti-Cussing League went to a small town famous for its high levels of profanity. They responded to him with this.
My friends, let’s stop cussing!
Let’s face it, we should really stop okay!

You know what pal? F you!







F-word, yes we really love you,
Saying you makes us so glad,
For sometimes we start to tire,
Bored by that guy’s stupid speech!
Let our words have lots of cussing,
If they don’t we’ll be so bored,
Yes, we love to cuss so greatly,
It is half of what we say.

Let our words have lots of cussing,
If they don’t we’ll be so bored,
Yes, we love to cuss so greatly,
It is half of what we say.

Cussing is so very frequent,
All babies can scream “F You!”
Yes we are so very happy,
To cuss at all occasions!
Though some people do not like it,
Frankly we don’t give a sheet!
We forever will keep cussing,
No matter what that guy says!

Though some people do not like it,
Frankly we don’t give a sheet!
We forever will keep cussing,
No matter what that guy says!

Our hobby is to hear cuss words,
Out of people’s dirty mouths,
Though we ourselves will never cuss,
We don’t care how you do it.
Cuss words are the most beautiful,
Of all words in our language;
Let these words be often spoken,
Our favorite words are “F You.”

Cuss words are the most beautiful,
Of all words in our language;
Let these words be often spoken,
Our favorite words are “F You.”
Our favorite words are “F You!”
F You!
F You!
F You!

Like petals our cuss words so seem,
Gently drifting off our tongues,
Can any other words be
As perfect and gentle as these?

F-word, yes we really love you,
Saying you makes us so glad,
For sometimes we start to tire,
Bored by that guy’s stupid speech!
Let our words have lots of cussing,
If they don’t we’ll be so bored,
Yes, we love to cuss so greatly,
It is half of what we say.

The millions of cussers out there,
Will never stop their tongues,
From dripping these “vile words,”
For all time, cuss words are here.

Listen to our cries out there,
All cuss words heard in all tongues,
Listen and cuss for all time people!

F-word, yes we really love you,
Saying you makes us so glad,
For sometimes we start to tire,
Bored by that guy’s stupid speech!
The millions of cussers out there,
Will never stop their tongues,
Forever around the Earth,
Listen to our cries out there,
All cuss words heard in all tongues,
From dripping these “vile words,”
For all time, cuss words are here.

F-word, saying you makes us glad,
Let our words have lots of cussing,
If they don’t we’ll be so bored,
Yes, we love to cuss so greatly,
It is half of what we say.

The millions of cussers out there,
Will never stop their tongues,
From dripping these “vile words,”
For all time, cuss words are here.

F-word, yes we really love you,
Saying you makes us so glad,
F-word, we really should stop now.
Listen to the actual thing.

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Pacing: 3.6
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 3.4

Total Votes: 5

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   2
 4   0
 5   2

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