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Song Parodies -> "Not Guilty is the Jubilee"

Original Song Title:

"Sixty-Three is the Jubilee"

Original Performer:

J. L. Greene, D. A. French (1863) - Traditional

Parody Song Title:

"Not Guilty is the Jubilee"

Parody Written by:

Coral Snake

The Lyrics

A reprise to correct my name and the original performers' names
Musical Introduction)

Patriots have you heard it, have you heard our latest news.
We'll save the Second Amendement and we'll keep the arms we choose;
To the jury box we're coming, Can you feel it in the air!
That NOT GUILTY IS THE JUBILEE for the Second everywhere!

To the jury box we're coming,
Can you feel it in the air?
For the Second everywhere!

Chuck Schumer, he has heard it, and it makes him very blue.
Dianne Feinstein will be a raving, when she finds it's coming true.
It will be a dreadful shaking, Ted the Swimmer cannot stand,
When gun control by the jury box, is repealed throughout the land!

To the jury box we're coming,
Can you feel it in the air?
For the Second everywhere!

We compromised for nothing, and we almost bought the farm,
When we saw that gun laws always lead, to genocidal harm;
And we'll no more sign the yellow, no more registration lash,
When we take over the jury box, and all gun control laws smash!

To the jury box we're coming,
Can you feel it in the air?
For the Second everywhere!

Its time to save the Second, to the jury box we'll come!
And well shout out our "not guilty" streight to each gun grabber bum.
We may have to be a hold out, and stay there for days and nights,
That's a sacrifice that we must make, when we're fighting for our rights.

To the jury box we're coming,
Can you feel it in the air?
For the Second everywhere!
MIDI - Sixty-Three is the Jubilee: at Look under Emancipation Songs

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Big G - November 07, 2005 - Report this comment
Amen I've always found it stupid that the kings of "They're going to do it anyway" for abotion sex, drugs and evey other kind od decadance don't realize that that stament is the most true for gun laws... oh well

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