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Song Parodies -> "Bob Barker’s Dead"

Original Song Title:

"Rhythm Steps"

Original Performer:

Herbie Kay & his Orchestra

Parody Song Title:

"Bob Barker’s Dead"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

You didn’t think I was capable of writing a compassionate, loving tribute to a beloved television game show host for generations of children that stayed home from school to watch “The Price is Right”, did you? Think again.
Sing, (Start in to sing, you’ll have to swing,)
Then, you’ll swing, (Start in to sing, you’ll have to swing,)
Those tributes are bound to get you,

Oh, (Turn on the heat, then beat your feet,)
Don’t go slow, (Turn on the heat, then beat your feet,)
Those tributes are bound to get you,

Tribute, tribute, tribute, tribute, tribute...mmm...

(female vocal)

Barker’s dead,
Start in to read, then soon, you’ll be reading,
Barker’s dead,
A game show host, the tributes are fleeting,

Sick kids, teens,
Through the whole darn nation, (dee-de-oh!)
Watched TV,
Barker’s Beauties helped get those kids on their feet,

Barker’s dead,
“The Price is Right”; his signature game show,
Barker’s dead,
Go blow your nose, ‘cause Drew Carey knows that

If you’re not a dunce,
Oh, you’ll thank him at once,
Well, you knew him from TV,
Now, Bob Barker’s dead…

(vocal trio)

Barker’s dead,
Start in to read, then soon, you’ll be reading,
Barker’s dead,
A game show host, the tributes are fleeting,

Sick kids, teens,
Through the whole darn nation, (doo-doo-do-doo!)
Watched TV,
Barker’s Beauties helped get those kids on their feet,

Barker’s dead,
“The Price is Right”; his signature game show,
Barker’s dead,
Go blow your nose, ‘cause Drew Carey knows that

If you’re not a dunce,
You’ll thank him at once,
You knew him from TV,
Now, Bob Barker’s dead, whoa!

Barker’s dead,
(instrumental call-back)
Barker’s dead,
(instrumental call-back)

Sick kids, teens,
Through the whole darn nation, (doo-doo-do-doo!)
Watched TV,
Barker’s Beauties helped get those kids on their feet,

Barker’s dead,
(instrumental call-back)
Barker’s dead,
(instrumental call-back)

If you’re not a dunce,
You’ll thank him at once,
You knew him from TV,
Now, Bob Barker’s dead, whoa!

Rest in Peace; we’ll miss you, Bob!

(Or, alternatively, you could have just not changed the final line at all:)
Simple as the day is long!
This was not meant to be insensitive. My condolences go to Drew Carey, George Gray, Fremantle Media, and everyone at CBS. You see, I CAN be compassionate and not moronic for once!!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

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Phil Ossifer - August 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Wow, Fedora Fred actually did a parody worth reading. Good job this time, George&GermaineBriantFan.
Arch Vile - August 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Great Tribute to Bob. 555 all around.
The Real Phil Ossifer - August 29, 2023 - Report this comment
I realize it's virtually impossible for a braindead geezer like yourself to come up with anything new, hence the constant repetition of the same old song, but don't use my name to try and lend any sense of approval to your flood of feculence. I can only hope you join the Briants in hell ASAP. That could be funny on so man levels because they probably went there just to get away from you.
The Real Phil Ossifer - August 29, 2023 - Report this comment
Worth reading? Why bother? You use the same song ad nauseam, and at best you might change ten words from whatever drivel you posted previously (Direct TV, sugar-free cake, etc). As for "wit", you must be locked down in a really low budget rest home to find this "song" so endlessly entertaining. In regards to me leaving this site, I was here well before you infested it with your insipid little ditties, and I don't plan on going anywhere. Keep in mind, I'm not the only one on here who despises you, just the most outspoken. That said, I'll take you up on your offer to join the Briants. Please use a dull knife, and remember, it's "up the street", not "across the road."
The Real Phil Ossifer - August 30, 2023 - Report this comment
Blah, blah, blah, nobody cares which of your three songs you use. You’re still a template hack who changes a few words of each entry to reflect that day’s obsession. I’ve made no assumptions about your politics, but if you’ve managed to ingest pool-cleaning acid, don’t answer the door. Darwin’s waiting on the other side. Also, I’ve never claimed to have the brains to be a philosopher. The name is a pun, but I wouldn’t expect you to get that. Lastly, as regards mental illness, which of us bombed the board, month after month, with stupid songs about a TV show no one else ever saw. Weird little obsession you’ve got there.
CML - August 30, 2023 - Report this comment
No, your parodies are not worth reading, since the Song they are parodying are not familiar to anybody, and I mean ANYBODY on the planet. There is no AHA There is no "I see what you did there" moment. And what's with this revelation that you ... tried to kill yourself? Are you saying these parodies are a kind of self medication? How can that be, when they are met with overwhelming hostility? Try something from that era that is known .. Traditional songs, Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Al Jolson, Andrews Sisters.
Libby - August 31, 2023 - Report this comment
If only the people who complain so creatively and effectively on this topic could put that same effort into writing content that contributes to this web site. Just sayin'..
The Real Phil Ossifer - August 31, 2023 - Report this comment
G&GBF, I’m beyond curious - can you explain what you mean when you say I can’t comprehend what your parodies have done for this site? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lot of positive comments for anything you’ve written, but I have seen other people expressing exasperation at the constant repetition, so what, exactly, have your parodies done for the site? Also, the last reference I made to the Boy Scout nonsense was in the past tense “bombed the board…”. Nothing to indicate it was still going on, thank goodness.

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