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Song Parodies -> "Mean Greg That Slams"

Original Song Title:

"Green Eggs And Ham"

Original Performer:

Dr. Seuss

Parody Song Title:

"Mean Greg That Slams"

Parody Written by:

Doctor Suze

The Lyrics

Body slam
Body slam
A body slam
A body slam
He gave that man a body slam
Not nice guy, mean Greg that slams
Greg caused mayhem over there
In Montana, that is where
Greg has got anger, quite a share
He hit that guy, mean Greg that slams
He meant to strike him, Greg that slams
Greg was angry
Was he soused?
He hit the guy, not just groused
He did much more than merely grouse
I wonder if he hits his spouse?
He has got anger, a big share
We watched his anger greatly flare
He hit the guy, mean Greg that slams
A body slam that went BAM-BAM
He's a mean man who screams not talks
Maybe needs electric shocks
Electric shocks to head of rock
Didn't just grouse meek as a mouse
Instead he let his anger flare
The guy he slammed was unprepared
He's not too deep, mean Greg that slams
He's a very unstable man
But this time he went too far
What will voters think out thar?
They would not, could not
Say he's "yar"
Like a good boat out at sea
But will they send him to D.C.?
Soon we will see
He should not be sent to D.C.
He's far from "yar," maybe crazy
He must need some electric shocks
Applied to his head hard as rocks
It is one thing to merely grouse
Greg prefers to give a roundhouse
His anger so easily flares
I hope he has produced no heirs
He's full of spite, mean Greg that slams
He's a very unstable man
Insane, insane?
Bad brain, bad brain?
How else his acts to explain?
Is he insane clinically?
Needs vetting psychologically
He could not have other than rocks
Inside that skull, he needs some shocks
To bring him to where he'll just grouse
Instead of throwing a roundhouse
To keep his anger from a flare
He needs to have his head repaired
So he won't be mean Greg that slams
A little spark
Just a mere spark
Sets off his impulses dark
That's all it takes, a little spark
He would not, could not refrain
After the spark inflamed his brain
Went too far as all could see
But will they send him to D.C.
To soil the House, possibly sock
A colleague who against him talks?
On CSPAN watch his anger flare?
So will the voters send him there?
I guess some like mean Greg that slams
Even for D.C., a bad man
Now they've counted all the votes
And this is what the voters wrote
On their ballots, we take note
They would and could for mean Greg vote
Greg tried to blame the guy he smote
Greg doesn't tell the truth, take note
Though all pols lie most will refrain
From body slams and causing pain
Greg isn't smart and in D.C.
Is where this harmful man will be
Greg's victim had to see some docs
After Greg's body slams and socks
And now Greg's going to the House
Were those who voted for him soused?
Elect a man who's not all there
It looks like from his anger flare
But this crew likes mean Greg that slams
For his crime they don't give a damn
The Montanans have had their say
And voted for mean Greg who's cray
From that state I'll stay away
There's beautiful scenery
But they sent mean Greg to D.C.
Cuz they like mean Greg that slams
What is wrong with those Montanans!
They voted for a man who smote
For no reason and then did gloat
Like "Abby Normal" a bad brain
Perhaps Greg has, he can't refrain
From going on a slamming spree
He'll get a charge of battery
They will not throw him in a box
With criminals to break up rocks
Instead he'll hang out in the House
With many a bloodsucking louse
After a while when he's been there
He can slug news folks if they dare
To pose queries to Greg that slams
Smash 'em, bash 'em
In their pans

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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Point - May 29, 2017 - Report this comment
They let Al Franken sit in the Senate, and he tried to beat up Chris Baker.

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