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Song Parodies -> Parody Author Contact Directory -> Joseph Little

Hello Everyone I mostly parody 70s rock pop, various rap, some 80s pop, 90s pop, and a little bit of country. I love the 70s and the rap though. I honestly will parody anything, as long as it deserves it in some kind of way.
Hello everyone, my name is Joseph Little I am from Galveston, TX, and currently work in retail. I hold a bachelor's in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas, and a Master's degree in Human Resource Management from University of Houston Clear Lake. I am currently working on my Doctorate in Human Resource Management, yet taking a small break. I've been interested in parody since I was 10. I remember first hearing about Weird Al back then and he became my instant idol. I have always held a distinct disdain for much of modern music, and much of my parents music, and have had these ear worms that I have kept to myself for many many years. I have always seen parody as elusive; something I could never do - how could I obtain the rights to popular songs just to skew them? Recently I started writing some of my ear worms down - many of them quite strong. My first parody was "Nazi Girls" also perhaps one of my more explicit; I have an assortment of strong material on this site. I recently found a veteran parody writer through Facebook groups, who introduced me to this site, and told me not to worry so much about obtaining rights to songs; as long as the lyrics are ones that I wrote, it should be fine. I learned very quickly the demographic of the community here. Although I value some of my stronger work, I acknowledge it is not for everyone. The fact is they were ear worms that I just needed to get out of my head, and am grateful to have removed them. I am grateful to have found this site, and the people in this community. I continue to remove these earworms from my head (and leave out the more offensive ones), as well as create new ones; I find myself improving the more I write, yet I try to avoid writing fluff. I try to parody something that deserves it, in one way or another. If it doesn't deserve it, its been my experience it comes out forced and weak. I hope to write a novel one day, but I'm sure everybody says that crap.
Check out my parodies author page on amIright for parodies I've written.

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Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics. All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.