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Song Parodies -> "You're Smoking Yourself A J"

Original Song Title:

"You're Giving Yourself Away"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"You're Smoking Yourself A J"

Parody Written by:

Johnny Pyro

The Lyrics

You say you don't smoke weed
That you only drink beer
You say that your ashtray
Ain't got no leaves in there
You say you don't need weed
But I know that it's just a lie

'Cause when you call me in the night
Tellin' me your life is better 'cause it's weed free
I know you're lying on the phone
And smoking on a bone, you just cannot fool me

Hey, you're smoking yourself a J
It's clear in every hit you take
You can't hide your addiction away
Hey, you're money's spent the day you're paid
Roach clips all around your place
I see through the lies that you spray
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J
It doesn't matter what you say
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J

So you just got your freedom
'Cause you just did some time
Two years in prison, caught with a dime
But a crackpipe and mirror
Would have gotten you a stiffer price

Why don't you come right out and say
Maybe you can't take another day without weed
You know It's runnin' through your blood
Strung out on a drug
And you can't live without weed

Hey, you're smoking yourself a J
It's clear in every hit you take
You can't hide your addiction away
Hey, you're money's spent the day you're paid
Roach clips all around your place
I see through the lies that you spray
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J
It doesn't matter what you say
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J

'Cause when you call me in the night
Tellin' me your life is better 'cause it's weed free
I know you're lying on the phone
And smoking on a bone, you just cannot fool me

Hey, you're smoking yourself a J
It's clear in every hit you take
You can't hide your addiction away
Hey, you're money's spent the day you're paid
Roach clips all around your place
I see through the lies that you spray
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J
It doesn't matter what you say
You're smoking yourself a J
You're smoking yourself a J

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Wife of a thug - June 18, 2004 - Report this comment
Very creative, but you can't do two years in prison for being caught with a dime bag. You don't even do time if it's anything less tham an eighth.
Johnny Pyro - February 06, 2005 - Report this comment
Maybe the guy had priors. Didn't think I had to explain that. ;)

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