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Song Parodies -> "Hey there Osama"

Original Song Title:

"Hey there Delilah"

Original Performer:

Plain White T's

Parody Song Title:

"Hey there Osama"

Parody Written by:

Brian P McCullar

The Lyrics

I hope you enjoy
Hey there Osama won't you come out of your hiding,
don't you we won't hurt you we'll just shoot you at first sighting,
yes we will it hurts far more than an advill would ever heal,
hey there Osama don't you worry bout the distance,
our bullets will still make it you are testing our patience you will die,
and your momma still won't cry not even a sigh.
Oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh Osama can't you see

Hey there Osama what a coward that you are,
you hit and then you ran now your sticking to the Taliban yes you are,
you now it's really not that far,
we'll leave a scar,
hey there Osama I've got so much left to say,
if every word I spoke to you would take your breath away,
you'd really die and you momma still won't cry not even a sigh,
Oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh Osama can't you see

10000 miles seems pretty far,
but we'll use planes,trains and cars we'll walk to you if we find no other way,
America is blaming you you've no idea what we'll do,
soon we'll find you, you little shrew,
the Taliban will blow up fast when we find you we'll kick your ass
and no matter what you try to claim your to blame,

Hey there Osama you'd be smart to give up now,
for 9 years we've been at war if just throw in the towel we'll all be done,
we'll hang you with the setting sun,
it'll put an end to all your fun,
o I wish I had a gun,
boy that'd be fun

Oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh you hit and then you flee,
oh Osama can't you see


It was fun

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 4.4
Overall Rating: 4.4

Total Votes: 5

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   5

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