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Song Parodies -> "Vegans Have Stopped Eating Chex"

Original Song Title:

"People Are Still Having Sex"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Vegans Have Stopped Eating Chex"

Parody Written by:

vegan minstrel

The Lyrics

ai did well with this idea:
Well, the world keeps on spinning, and times have changed,
But there's one thing that vegans have rearranged,
They've stopped eating Chex, oh, what a perplex,
'Cause the D3 in it comes from sheep's wool, what's next?

But hey, let me tell you 'bout their integrity,
Their attention to detail, consistency,
They're standing up for what they truly believe,
No compromise, no exceptions, no deceit!

Vegans have stopped eating Chex, oh, what a flex,
They've uncovered the truth, they won't be perplexed,
Their values come first, and they're here to attest,
To the power of choices that they manifest!

No more crunching on Chex for those vegan friends,
They're reading labels, finding out where it all descends,
D3 from sheep's wool, oh, what a surprise,
They won't compromise their beliefs, no matter the size!

So raise a glass to those vegans so true,
For standing tall and doing what they do,
They're paving the way for a better world,
Where ethics and compassion are always unfurled!

Vegans have stopped eating Chex, oh, what a flex,
They've uncovered the truth, they won't be perplexed,
Their values come first, and they're here to attest,
To the power of choices that they manifest!

So let's applaud the vegans for their insight,
Their commitment to justice, shining so bright,
Though Chex may be tasty, they won't be enticed,
Vegans have stopped eating, making a stand so precise!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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