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Song Parodies -> "Pissed Off"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Green Day

Parody Song Title:

"Pissed Off"

Parody Written by:

Pink Panther

The Lyrics

So lately I haven't had a lot of time to write parodies because I've been so busy with school work, but right now I am extremely frustrated. And what is it I'm ticked about? Well, that's the worst part. I'm frustrated about the three things that matter most in eighth grade- My grades, my social life, and my love life. Where to begin? Let's start with my grades. I am FAILING MATH!!! Also, I developed a huge crush on this one guy but I don't think he likes me. I completely lost my head and wrote him an anonymous love note, and then my supposed best friend Lauren (I'm not even going to bother changing her name) blackmailed me into telling her what was wrong by saying she'd tell the whole school that I liked him, so then I had to tell her, and then she told him about it anyway. So I've officially kicked her to the curb and she doesn't even know why. Read on to find out about my misfortune.
I fell for him on the fifth day of school.
Tried, tried to act like I'm so cool.
Dumped my old boyfriend for this guy.
I won't tell him 'cause I'm shy, and now I really want to cry.
My crush hardly ever notices me.

I told my supposed friend about my crush.
Now, now our friendship's gonna end.
'Cause, she told him I wrote him a love note.
Now I'm very pissed at her, we'll never be friends like we were.
And meanwhile, I am failing math...!

Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!
Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!

Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!
Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!

Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!
Pissed off, I want him to like me back.
And I've, kicked my friend to the curb.
I've been pissed off so long
And I'm getting bad grades!
No comments about how I'm such a whiner, please. But feel free to leave any other comments! Thanks for reading. Now I'm going to go drown my frustration in a bowl of ice cream. (This is what I do whenever I'm so frustrated that I feel like I could explode.)

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.7
How Funny: 2.3
Overall Rating: 3.3

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

blah - November 13, 2006 - Report this comment
you suck and you whine too much. hahaha
Pink Panther - May 19, 2007 - Report this comment
Dear Blah, Thank you for your comment. I loved it. Actually, normally I'd be offended by it, but the good thing about parody authors is that we write parodies for people who like them, not for arseholes like you. I'm sure you're a very intelligent and optimistic human being, though, and I should respect your opinion, but I don't really get offended by people whose name is Blah and who don't even know how to use capitalization. But anyway. Thanks for your optimism and have a nice day! Lots of love, Pink Panther P.S. Well, since you've never even heard of capitalization so I doubt you'll pick up on the fact that everytime I used the word 'love', I used it in a sarcastic way.
James - June 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I gotta admit that this isn't the best parody I've ever heard--it didn't rhyme very well and was pretty depressing--but it's pretty good nevertheless. I haven't seen many parodies that express stress or anger, and I think you did a nice job on this. 2-1-4.
One Who's Been Around - June 17, 2010 - Report this comment
If you ask your friend to not tell that guy you got a thing for him then she's a blabbermouth and you don't need her anyway. She ain't no friend of yours. As for all the other stuff yeah some peole would tell you that you have some growing up to do. Well, look at the untalented and spoiled divas and bohunks that infest the entertainment world. Look at the stupid government "leaders" who made things such a mess as they are today. Childish rumors of this and that, big ego. It's hard for the few OK people in high places to fly like eagles when they are surrounded by turkeys. A sorry excuse for a veep recently proved that his mother named him accurately when he haughtily told that senator to "go f**k yourself". Now who needs to grow up some?

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