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Song Parodies -> "La La La La"

Original Song Title:

"Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm"

Original Performer:

Crash Test Dummies

Parody Song Title:

"La La La La"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This is for my best friend, he and I both know that going to work and school are a is bad the older you daddy-o once said to me that "work is a necessary evil" well o.k alright o.k alright......................
Once there was this idiot who
Made paper airplanes and thought he was cool
But when he threw his paper toys
His planes would fly away into the night
He said that it was from when
The creases were smashed so bad
la la la la
la la la la

Once there was this girl who
Wouldn't go away and she kept annoying me
But when I finally told her
She saw that I hated her
She couldn't quite believe it
I always told her I'm sing-le

la la la la
la la la la

But both the girl and I were glad
'Cause love hurts and relationships are worse than that

Well then there was this boy whose
Parents tortured him and it wasn't that cool
And when they said "find a job!"
He saw he might be headed out the door
He couldn't quite explain it
They only saw they were mean
la la la la
la la la la

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.0
How Funny: 2.0
Overall Rating: 2.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   0
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 5   0

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