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Song Parodies -> "Merry Did A Bad Bad Thing"

Original Song Title:

"Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing"

Original Performer:

Chris Isaak

Parody Song Title:

"Merry Did A Bad Bad Thing"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I've been reading the songs about you and peregrin or pippin or whatever..
Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing

poor Billy he loves her so much I think his little heart is gonna break
in two
(at least I think so)
I think I'll try to rhyme with florio to get her back for you
( at least I think so)
the only thing that rhymes with florio is oreo at least my dictionary says

Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing ( and is she lying?)

you every try to write a tune most every night you're writing about the one you love?
(my little florio)
you ever realise it's make believe that Merry and Pippin are guys in love?
( I didn't think so)
you ever pray with all your heart and soul, as they take your dreams away?

Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing ( and is he/she lying?)

ooh ooh oohh oo a he/she lying?
a he/she lying?
ooh ooh oohh oo a he/she lying?
a he/she lying?

Merry did a bad bad thing
Merry did a bad bad thing

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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