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Song Parodies -> "Moronic"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Alanis Morrissette

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Christian Sally

The Lyrics

Well the day I was born
I was almost not
Some abortion doctor reached in
ANd tried to mess with me
A lot. Well I was born anyway
So isn't it mironic don't you think?

Well my first day of school
I didn't learn anything
They left God out of the
Plege of Allegiance
And Jesus didn't get any
credit for Inspiring Einstein
of any of thoose famous inventors or anything
So isn't that morinic

I applied for a job
And I interviewed well
But they gave it to some gay hindu
transexual to fulfill a quota. Hell!
Isn't that mronic

I was eating at a restaurant
Some muslim or arab
Gave me a look that read
Christian go home!
But I am home!
Who brought YOU here?

It's so hard for me to survive these days
Now howbout that
Isn't all that moronic

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.9
How Funny: 2.9
Overall Rating: 2.9

Total Votes: 21

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   11
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   10

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

MasonR - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
Einstein was Jewish. There's no evidence that he was inspired by Jesus.
Michael Pacholek - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe," but there's no evidence he was inspired by Las Vegas, either. You know who else left God out of the Pledge of Allegiance? Francis Bellamy, the guy who wrote the stupid thing! It was Congress, overreacting as it so often does, in this case to Communism, that put "under God" in there in 1954. And it IS a stupid thing. A flag is a THING. A symbol. We don't pledge allegiance to the Statue of Liberty, or the Liberty Bell. We should be pledging allegiance to the Constitution, which is what this country is based on. And the Constitution affirms our freedom of religion. So we're not the ones who are moronic. Of course, we're not among the 34 percent who still approve of Bush.
Ravyn Rant - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
Not even going to address the subject matter. I gave this a 1-1-1 because "Moronic" is calling this a parody when it has no resemblance to TOS in rhyme scheme, pacing, or even number of lines. If you need to rant, by all means, start a blog, but please don't call what you're doing "parody". It's offensive to actual parodists.
Christian Sally - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
I don't understand what you guys are talking about. And what have you done with Proud American? I know longer have the shining rays of patriotic light shining on my face.
Michael Pacholek - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
We haven't done anything with him. We don't even want to go near him. We've been hoping he just goes away, and, for the moment, he has. Hallelujah.
Patriotic Floridian - December 26, 2006 - Report this comment
Christian Sally--I think you know where he is--afterall, you are one in the same. . .Isn't it Moronic to think we don't know the truth, or is it Ironic that you went to insult those you didn't trust by using a song written/sang by someone who is in the same party, Morisette is a self procalimed supporter of the Gay Rights Movement and I also think it's Ironic Alanis mis-used the word Ironic when she wrote this song (Nothing she said was actually Ironic) and so did you (Nothing you said was Moronic). . .
Immoral Liberal - December 27, 2006 - Report this comment
Ravyn Rant - loved your comment - 'offended as a parodist" - brilliant. These religious nuts are dangerous. I don't get it - they "claim to be patriotic" yet have no respect for the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ." Christian (but UnPatriotic) Sally - if you want to learn about God, do it at home - God has no place in our public schools specifically because you made him in your own image. And that's what the earliest citizens of this country feared most - that some nutball would tell them exactly how they could worship. As Mr. Pacholek so correctly pointed out - "God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance (or Pledge Allegiance for you Bush-ies) because of the Soviet Union - it was wrong then and it's wrong today. Finally, Dubya claims God told him to go to war. Would God really do that? Would God really want more Americans killed in an unjust war than were killed in the World Trade center tragedy? Would God really talk to Bush? And, remember, it's in the name of God that terrorists are killing Americans. So which God is the correct God? Who's lying about what God is telling them to do? And can anyone prove that God has talked to them? Or is it all just a "state of mind"?
Red Ant - December 27, 2006 - Report this comment
Pacing-wise, this is simply the worst parody I have ever read. Giving a 1 there would be too generous. I give you a null vote of 0**.
Red Ant - December 27, 2006 - Report this comment
555, I did not make any claims regarding the parody content; had this been an anti-Republican parody, and paced as bad as it did, I would have given the same null set vote of 0** (meaning I didn't vote it). Aside from the title line, no other line in this parody comes remotely close to pacing to TOS; if you were objective, or tried to sing this to "Ironic", you'd realize that, too.

I happen to like a good "liberal" bash, however, it's been a while since I've seen one. (the last one I can remember would be this parody by Offender): - December 27, 2006 - Report this comment
This can't be real. I mean, come on, "I know longer have the shining rays of patriotic light shining on my face"? Three different misspellings of "moronic"? Ha ha. Someone's just beating the "Proud American" dead horse.

I fear, however, that the sociopathic hissy-fit from "555" is legit. Everyone get a good laugh at it before it disappears.
kei - February 18, 2007 - Report this comment

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