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Song Parodies -> "Shot For Teacher"

Original Song Title:

"Hot For Teacher"

Original Performer:

Van Halen

Parody Song Title:

"Shot For Teacher"

Parody Written by:

eel deal

The Lyrics

unable to get over the 6 year old kid shooting his teacher, i had ai help construct this:

Oh, man, did you hear 'bout that little kid?
In Virginia, where things took a turn so grim
Just six years old, innocence lost that day
With a loaded gun, it all went astray

It's a tragic tale that we can't ignore
A reminder of a problem we can't explore
Easy access to guns, it's a factor we must face
The gun violence epidemic, it's a disgrace

Wow! Kid shot teacher, it's sad, so sad
Kid shot a teacher, it's mad, so mad
A six-year-old child, innocence cut short
It shows how insane, our gun violence has brought

In the classroom, where laughter once filled the air
Fear took hold, hearts burdened with despair
An innocent teacher, trying to educate
But that fateful day sealed a tragic fate

It's a wake-up call we can't turn away
A tragedy that demands a change today
With easy access to guns, lives are at stake
It's time to address, it's time to wake

Wow! Kid shot teacher, it's sad, so sad
Kid shot a teacher, it's mad, so mad
A six-year-old child, innocence cut short
It shows how insane, our gun violence has brought

Let's come together, find a better way
To protect our children, day after day
Address the issues, seek common ground
To ensure tragedies like this aren't found

Wow! Kid shot teacher, it's sad, so sad
Kid shot a teacher, it's mad, so mad
A six-year-old child, innocence cut short
It shows how insane, our gun violence has brought

May this tragedy ignite a flame of change
So we can heal from this pain and rearrange
Let's work towards a world where safety is key
Where no child has access to such misery

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 26

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   26
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   0

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