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Song Parodies -> "Big Dummy"

Original Song Title:

"Big Money"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Big Dummy"

Parody Written by:

I Saw RUSH Live 5 Times

The Lyrics

This song is about the easily impressed idiots of the world who just 'coast along' in life, never bothering to questioning anything. It's about the uninitiated and those who CHOOSE to stay that way because they never apply themselves and keep on living in their fantasy worlds and never-never lands. They think they're right all the time and REFUSE to face the facts when presented to them. And everytime they open their ignorant yaps; more often than not it's something ignorant, obnoxious and dumb. They have crap on their faces.
Big dummies are around the world
Big dummies don't know squat
Big dummies got a shrieky voice
Big dummies won't shut up

Big dummies telling dirty jokes
Big dummies think they're cool
Big dummies read those burnt-up books
Big dummies, uncouth fools

Always running motormouth
Always popping off the chops
Always bragging about themselves
Always being pompous boors

They eat up all the fairy tales
All the lies they are spoon-fed
Believe all the conditioning
And never questioning why

Big dummies are around the world
Big dummies are so dull
Big dummies have potty humor
Big dummies never mull

Big dummies always talking trash
Big dummies lip and sass
Big dummies talking ethnic hate
Big dummies have no class

Always doing what they're told
Never thinking for themselves
Always obeying dictators
Always kissing butts

They believe the TV ads
They are always chasing fads
Made by fools on television
Getting paid to play the fool


They eat up all the fairy tales
All the lies they are spoon-fed
Believe all the conditioning
And never questioning why

Big dummies are around the world
Big dummies are robots
Big dummies never take the time
Big dummies never learn

Big dummies always butting in
Big dummies ignorant
Big dummies are so stupid
Big dummies GOT NO SENSE!!!!!!!

'Big Money' is one of my favorite RUSH hits. It's a totally smart butt-kicker! And its video was pretty top-notch technology for its time (1985). RUSH is one of the most profound and deepest bands ever. Even as a teenager I noticed that, none of this 'sex-drugs-rock'n'roll' cliche jive for them! Yet at the same time they never forgot how to ROCK OUT. I grew up with them and their music and I was very sad when it ended in early January 2020. The very next week Diaper Donnie survived his first impeachment for a treasonous activity. Then the pandemic hit. Anyway, RUSH put on some of the best music and best live shows you will ever see. I miss them SO BADLY.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.3
How Funny: 1.3
Overall Rating: 1.3

Total Votes: 28

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   26
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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