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Song Parodies -> "No Power"

Original Song Title:

"Possible Pasts"

Original Performer:

Pink Floyd

Parody Song Title:

"No Power"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Some allegory and rumination on our Constitution...
No Power

(Sung to Possible Pasts - Pink Floyd)

To those that think pen and ink gives you no power...
Look what we wrought from arguments that lasted years
We waged war on those of red...
“Stand! Fire!”
Because we asked for freedom and it was scorned
Our document rose above sedition's call
Naught like it before; born from philosopher mien...

Remember how it used to be? The Founding Fathers naturally!
You and they; you should be closer!

We castigated old laws before throwing them down...
Document in hand, the newly freed did join
But they now did assail our right to rage
And then compromised our right to call poisoned things foul
We then confronted the media and their lies
But no one was left to pass judgment for their many crimes...

Will this be your legacy? Death of Law from perfidy!
Thus bringing anarchy closer!

Know the constraints on your governance...
A republic is still a beast that must be restrained...
And the pestilential fools that deign to legislate
They are only allegiant to wages and power at hand...
We must constrain them so freedom grows not cold...
When they finally have no power it's then that we'll save our land...

Remember how it used to be? The Founding Fathers naturally!
You and they; you should be closer!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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