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Song Parodies -> "In His Eyes"

Original Song Title:

"In Your Eyes"

Original Performer:

Peter Gabriel

Parody Song Title:

"In His Eyes"

Parody Written by:

eel deal

The Lyrics

Look, so many lost in these times
Days pass and big emptiness fills their hearts
They can’t even run away and drive off in their cars
Whichever way they go
They come back to a place Scump scars

All his sins stink, they injure
His grand facade, wish it would burn
It’s the worst noise, a pure prick’s pride
Want to bleach out his insides

In his eyes
Downright deceit (in his eyes)
Lies are replete (in his eyes)
I see the doorway (in his eyes)
To Satanic churches (in his eyes)
The devolution (in his eyes)
Nuking progressive perches (in his eyes)
Oh, I see the blight and the cheat (in his eyes)
Oh, want to delete that conceit
I wanna crush the vile deceit i see in his eyes

Look, that jerk has caused so much pain
Good lives wasted all because of his slippery ways
I get so tired watching him lie about his righteous rivals
He’s such a slime and cruel, a sneaky snake full of jive

All his sins stink, they injure
His grand facade, wish it would burn
It’s the worst noise, a pure prick’s pride
Want to bleach out his insides

In his eyes
Downright deceit (in his eyes)
Lies are replete (in his eyes)
I see the whore-way (in his eyes)
To Satanic churches (in his eyes)
The convolution (in his eyes)
To confuse the fools’ best searches (in his eyes)
Oh, I see the blight and the cheat (in his eyes)
Oh, want to delete that conceit
I wanna crush the vile deceit i see in his eyes

In his eyes

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.1
How Funny: 1.1
Overall Rating: 1.1

Total Votes: 53

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   52
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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