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Song Parodies -> "Try To Avoid Getting Shot"

Original Song Title:

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"

Original Performer:

Pat Benatar

Parody Song Title:

"Try To Avoid Getting Shot"

Parody Written by:

eel deal

The Lyrics

mostly ai-created with a few alterations.
Well, you're a real tough cookie with a gun in your hand
And you're walking down the street like you own this land
You think you're so cool with your power and might
But all you're causing is a terrible fright

People living in fear, can't go out at night
Guns in every corner, it's just not right

Try to avoid getting shot, try to avoid getting shot
We're living in a warzone, is this what we've got?
Try to avoid getting shot, try to not get gunned down
It's time to make a change, and turn this thing around

Every day we hear about another senseless death
Innocent lives taken with one single breath
We're tired of the violence, we're tired of the pain
It's time to stand up, and say this isn't sane

People living in fear, can't go out at night
Guns in every corner, it's just not right

Try to avoid getting shot, try to avoid getting shot
We're living in a warzone, is this what we've got?
Try to avoid getting shot, try to not get gunned down
It's time to make a change, and turn this thing around

We need to come together, and find a better way
To stop the madness, and make a brighter day
It's time to stand up, and make our voices heard
We can't keep living like this, it's just absurd

Try to avoid getting shot, try to avoid getting shot
We're living in a warzone, is this what we've got?
Try to avoid getting shot, try to not get gunned down
It's time to make a change, and turn this thing around

No more lives lost, no more tears shed
It's time to come together, and heal the wounds we've bled
We can make a difference, we can make it right
Let's start today, and end this endless fright.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 27

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   27
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   0

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

CML - May 03, 2023 - Report this comment
My politicial orientation is just a tad, nay, a smidgeon to the right of you. But I never owned a gun, so I dont have a Glock in that fight. ( Shoot me before I pun again) So, casting politics aside, this is good . Definite 555's
eel deal - May 07, 2023 - Report this comment
CML, if you record yourself singing this, "try not to get shot" is a better line since "not" rhymes with "shot". using "stay alive today" would also be good in the chorus, since it rhymes with Benatar's "fire away".
eel deal - May 10, 2023 - Report this comment
it was nice to learn that Pat Benatar stopped performing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" as a contribution to the protest against gun violence.

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