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Song Parodies -> "Witless Twit wit’ Messed Thoughts"

Original Song Title:

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"

Original Performer:

Pat Benatar

Parody Song Title:

"Witless Twit wit’ Messed Thoughts"

Parody Written by:

Pol Potlatch

The Lyrics

Did you know that the founding fathers ended slavery and that the “shot heard ’round the world” was fired in New Hampshire? Take a history lesson from Professor Bachmann.
Well, she’s a real nuts kookie with a wrong history
With a need to restart in element’ry
Not OK, how could she screw it
Up? Once more loon senseless clown blew it

Witless about the shot
A witless dimwit about the shot
Witless about the shot
Fired in Bay State

A dunciad with dunce cap, what’s wrong out there
With Minnesota voters? They’re
The ones who went and chose this dame
Her knowledge lack brings on the froze state shame

Wits about her are not
Why did they hit levers for this blot?
Witless twit wit’ messed thoughts
Why, Land o’ Lakes?

Well, she’s a real nuts kookie with a wrong history
It was the founding fathers set the slaves free?!
Not OK, how could she screw it
Up? Once more loon head-dense clown blew it

Witless twit wit’ messed thoughts
So strong her witlessness will rest not
Witless on oppressed, shot
Why, Land o’ Lakes?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Politicians say the darndest things - March 17, 2011 - Report this comment
Here's a doozy from a guy who has run for president but settled for VP. (talking to Katie Couric) "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed, he said, 'Look, here's what happened.'" (If you were alive and owned an experimental TV set in 1929, you would've seen him. And you would've said to yourself, who is that guy? What happened to President Hoover?) No need to mention his disparaging remarks about people of India running food marts or how he marveled at what a clean, well-spoken African-American man Obama was. Oops, mentioned it. Basically, politicians are human gaffe machines of immense stupidity on both sides. 555 for your funny parody, just as TT, OMR, and BJM get high marks for theirs, too.
WarrenB - March 17, 2011 - Report this comment
Nice shots. I was reading about here today, pros and cons. Didn't see much, er, pro there. But people will follow who they will.
I wrote something a while back (didn't get many comments) about gaffers like her. I call them Poliditzzes. Feel free to check out the parody and not comment on it.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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