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Song Parodies -> "Reviewers of Kickassia"

Original Song Title:

"Living In America"

Original Performer:

James Brown

Parody Song Title:

"Reviewers of Kickassia"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A TGWTG themed song parody
Yeah, oh yeah! Now that's kickass!

Reviewers on TGWTG.
Entertain us on the web.
But they made a film.
Most epic film ever seen.
And they call it Kickassia.

Forest Gump can hit the road.
Citizen Kane can jump off a cliff.
Because here come the real stars.

Reviewers of Kickassia, epic, pure awesomeness.
Reviewers of Kickassia, genius, conquer Molossia.
They're gonna start a revolution.


Kevin Baugh doesn't stand a chance.
When these guys make their move.
Molossia is theirs for the taking.
And it's no longer his.
The revolution has started.
So says Angry Joe.

You might not know these guys yet.
But someday you will.
They're all on thatguywiththeglasses.

Reviewers of Kickassia, epic, pure awesomeness.
Reviewers of Kickassia, genius, conquer Molossia.
They're gonna start a revolution.

They're reviewers of Kickassia,
The badass reviewers of Kickassia.
Hit it, Paw.

They may not be famous yet.
But you will know them anything.
And you all know their names.
Nostalgia Critic (Nostalgia Critic),
Paw (Paw), Benzaie (Benzaie)
Angry Joe (Angry Joe), Spoony (Spoony),
Linkara (Linkara!), 8 Bit Mickey (8 Bit Mickey),
Film Brain (Film Brain), Marzgurl (Marzgrl)
Lee (Lee), Nostalgia Chick (Nostalgia Chick),
Handsome Tom (Handsome Tom),
Phelous (Phelous), and the Snob (Cinema Snob)

Reviewers of Kickassia
Reviewers of Kickassia - yeah,
Molossia's no more.
It is now named Kickassia.

They're reviewers of Kickassia.
The reviewers of Kickassia, awesomeness.
They're the reviewers of Kickassia.
This is pure awesomeness.

Reviewers of Kickassia, Private Ryan - eat your heart out.
Reviewers of Kickassia - alright, it's epic, pure awesomeness.
Reviewers of Kickassia, they're the best, they're epic.
Reviewers of Kickassia, now that's kick-ass.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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