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Song Parodies -> "Living In A Bungalow"

Original Song Title:

"Living In America"

Original Performer:

James Brown

Parody Song Title:

"Living In A Bungalow"

Parody Written by:

The Parody Author

The Lyrics

Cruisin' down a quiet street, in the neighborhood so neat,
I've got my little bungalow, it's my retreat.
With a picket fence so white, and a garden lush and green,
Living in a bungalow, it's a cozy scene.

Living in a bungalow, oh so quaint,
Where life's a little slower, and there's no complaint.
In my bungalow, I find my way,
Living in a bungalow, every single day.

I've got a porch with rocking chairs, and a swing that gently sways,
Sippin' on some lemonade, on those sunny days.
With a fireplace in the den, where I read a book or two,
Living in a bungalow, life feels so true.

Living in a bungalow, oh so quaint,
Where life's a little slower, and there's no complaint.
In my bungalow, I find my way,
Living in a bungalow, every single day.

Life here's simple, no need to rush,
In my bungalow, I find my hush.
Neighbors are friendly, and the air is clean,
Living in a bungalow, it's a dream.

In the evening, fireflies glow, and the stars come out to play,
On my bungalow's front lawn, I could stay all day.
With the scent of flowers near, and the birds up in the trees,
Living in a bungalow, it's a life of ease.

Living in a bungalow, oh so quaint,
Where life's a little slower, and there's no complaint.
In my bungalow, I find my way,
Living in a bungalow, every single day.

So, if you're tired of the hustle and the city's roar,
Come join me in my bungalow, it's worth much more.
Living in a bungalow, life's a gentle play,
Living in a bungalow, every single day.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 26

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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