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Song Parodies -> "Trust Fauci, Be Happy"

Original Song Title:

"Don’t Worry, Be Happy"

Original Performer:

Bobby McFerrin

Parody Song Title:

"Trust Fauci, Be Happy"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Dr Fauci says get the vaccine to protect yourself and others. Dr Fauci says just because you get the vaccine doesn’t mean you’re safe or that others are safe from you, so wear a mask. This can cause confusion in some people so they retreat from thinking about it and just go along with what they’re told. Some of those people are my friend Hal.
Hal says let the gubbermint
Do your cognitive event
Trust Fauci, be happy
If it hurts your head think
Pour your questions down the sink
Trust Fauci, be happy
Don’t worry, trust Fauci now

Trust Fauci, Trust Fauci
Trust Fauci, Trust Fauci
Trust Fauci, Trust Fauci
Trust Fauci, Trust Fauci

Verse 2:
That grey thing inside your head
It keeps you up at night in bed
Don’t worry, trust Fauci
If choices in your life you hate
Let gubbermint decide your fate
Don’t worry trust Fauci
Trust Fauci be happy (look at Hal, he’s happy, I know you can’t tell because of the mask)

More Mantra:
Trust Fauci, be happy
(Hey, Tony knows what’s best. If you start to think for yourself just ask, what would Fauci tell me to do? You’ll be happier)
Don’t worry, trust Fauci

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 4

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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Jeff in Richmond VA - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
If you're not vaxxed, it's YOUR FAULT I caught the 'rona!
Onslaught - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
If you get vaccinated AND catch the ‘Rona, then whose is it? Trust Fauci, be happy. (Ah, validation, it makes me happy).
CML - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Actually, if someone catches Delta variant, its the fault of the campaign of mass injected gene therapy (not a vaccine at all). All this vaxx did was neutralize the spike protein in Covid Alpha which allowed the virus to easily mutate into a version with a new spike protein, which allowed it to evade the "vaccine" for Covid Alpha. In fact, people with the old "vaccine" are just as vulnerable as the "personas non vaxxa", if not more so ... Indeed, this new Omicron variant may be more like a true vaccine in that it is an attenuated version of the original Covid
CML - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
BTW, how did you like "persona von vaxxa" 'Slaughtman. I do believe I just coined one there.
CML (Correcting My Lapse) - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
... Persona NON vaxxa .. a "Persona VON vaxxa" would refer to an unvaccinated Prussian
Onslaught - December 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Sounds right to me, Lennie. You know having and asking questions is not anti vaccine, however disregarding questions about the vaccine is not science, it’s totalitarianism.
Phil Alexander - December 15, 2021 - Report this comment
Gotta love how many of these there are about now:'s hilarious in a sad sort of way that people can think they're more expert than the ones whose work they are misunderstanding based on listening to others who have more of an interest in fomenting outrage than any kind of honest reporting. Simply calling mRNA vaccines "injected gene therapy" is a very good example of this. They're not doing anything to your genes, they're not making any changes to your genes. If you think otherwise, please quote your sources so I can tell you exactly why you're talking bollocks.
CML - December 15, 2021 - Report this comment
Whats wrong with "injected gene therapy" When the mRNA molecule enters the cell it uses info provided by .. anybody? .. anybody? .. Buehler? .. by the what? ... GENES to instruct cells to produce the spike protein which the SARS virus uses to break thru the cell wall. Then the immune system attacks this alien protein. So if and when the actual virus attempts a breaking and entering of a cell, the immune system, in a sense "disarms" it and prevents viral replication, which many would argue is therapeutic. And I dont know how its done elsewhere, but here in the colonies we dont take it in suppository form, it is injected. Meanwhile, a vaccine is an injection of an attenuated form of a pathogen.
CML - December 15, 2021 - Report this comment
BTW, given my age and CAD, I had no problem getting the double jab. But then the shortcomings of this IGT, as almost nobody but me calls it, manifested itself. Because the jab only attacked a small part of the virus, it was able to easily mutate around it. So now the problem became Delta, for which the original jab has no answer. So whats the answer? A booster that disarms the spike protein in Delta? But that will create yet another variant, which has happened and which was predicted by many of those "hilarious" sources I read .... Moreover, the younger you are, the stronger your immune system, the stronger the reaction to these alien spike proteins. Which is why its senseless to force a young healthy person who can shake this bug off to take a substance which can cause his or her immune system to go @pe$h*t
Phil Alexander - December 16, 2021 - Report this comment
So you (now, after looking it up?) realize that mRNA is something encoded by a gene, not a gene itself... thing is that people using the phrase "gene therapy" are overwhelmingly implying, when they're not explicitly stating, that it's going to change your genome. It's not. Calling a slice of mRNA a gene is a bit like calling a bicycle a train, because they both have wheels and get you from place to place... It's misleading and intended to scare.

Do I really need to use words like "infectious" or "contagion" to point out that in a pandemic, there is a *lot* of sense in vaccinating people who can spread the disease (especially when the harm caused by it is still orders of magnitude higher than any vaccine side-effects).

I realize you're not going to take the next thing I say on board, but I have to point it out: you've picked up a lot of the jargon from media types who have reported as well as they can understand, always simplified for public consumption and often oversimplified to the point of being inaccurate. You're taking this, and are now assuming that you know more than those who have spent years in education and all of their working lives studying the discipline.

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