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Song Parodies -> "Why Can't I Have 5s"

Original Song Title:

"Why Can't We Be Friends."

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Why Can't I Have 5s"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
I know my parodies aren't all that perfect.
Sometimes the verses are too short.
So I have to pad them out more.

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
It's not as easy as it sounds.
Could you give me a hand, please please?

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Because i'm behaving myself this time.

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?

Come on give a little respect to me.
Give me a five or even just a 4 or just a 3.
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
I'd kind like to fix that myself.
So I could figure out pacing and all that jazz.

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Sometimes my songs don't come out right.
But yet I know what my song will be about.

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
I'm paranoid because someone keeps on 1-ing me.
Like what on earth do they think is wrong with me?

Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?
Why can't I have all 5s?

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Matches Pace of
Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   2
 5   4

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Arch Vile - April 15, 2021 - Report this comment
I'd probably remove the "all" from your hook for a smoother flow, but good meta take on bad votes. You got 5's.
Amiright Parody Coach - April 16, 2021 - Report this comment
Two points to consider. Point #1 .. If the OS has a tagline that repeats itself 30 times, you cant repeat your sub 30 times Thus -- Why cant I get fives .. though I strive and strive .. why am I deprived .. by these scores contrived ............. Point #2 -- Yesterday, I went full Biden and forgot to take my heart pills at the proper time, (and this happens all the time) but somehow I can bring up all kinds of rhymes from memory instantly. So how is that possible? Because I'm cheating; I'm using an internet resource called "" This greatly expands your ability to rhyme because it instantly brings up not just one syllable rhymes, but TWO and THREE syllable rhymes, such as "deprive" and "contrive"
CML - April 16, 2021 - Report this comment
I learned about Rhymezone from one of the old masters, either John Barry or Tommy Turtle. If you Google Rhymezone up, you'll discover that it is used by rappers. You'd be foolish not to use it, once you see what it can do for you .......... Rhymezone: Dont start a parody without it
Agrimorfee - April 16, 2021 - Report this comment
Amiright Parody Coach offers wise words. You can also attain virtual bonus love for parodying superfluous words, such as the oh oh oh and la la las from your first stanza. But done well, repetition can be a good joke (cf. Weird Al's "This Song's Just Six Words Long"). I will give you 444 in good faith, keep at it!
Dylan Baranski - April 16, 2021 - Report this comment
You're not alone. I've been getting 1-bombed on a bunch of "My Hero Academia" parodies I've been writing this month, and I'm not totally sure why. I mean, the pacing seems to be spot-on for the most part, and I think I chose some good rhymes that fit in with the general schemes of the OSes. Anyways, this parody's not perfect, but I'm giving you 5s anyways because it's refreshing to see someone else do a fun parody that's not rooted in politics or anything like that.
monstermaster13 - April 16, 2021 - Report this comment
@Agrimorfree Thanks. Sometimes I do try my hardest to deal with song material that has longer than usual lengths or viruses and if the song isn't long enough or doesn't existing lyrics (something I have problems with when trying to parody songs that are either from soundtracks that didn't get released or songs that are 'demo' versions of the full song). Also I do agree with Parody Polices's advice although it can be hard for me to find matching words to put in lyrics that have to mean that I have to put them in another verse or extend the verse.
APC - April 17, 2021 - Report this comment
I have to remember the "praise sandwich" technique to teaching. Start with an affirmation, then deliver the correction plus recommendation... So, your comedic idea was quite good, which is the reason I looked at it in the first place. Now the reason my main point is "Use Rhymezone" is because I think an inability to match the OS really constricts an authors thinking. So when you instantly see all the possible rhymes for key words in the OS, it opens up all kinds of possibilities .... So, when a parody idea pops into my head, I write down the lyrics of the OS, and then a few subs, but then I go to Rhymezone to see what the rhymes are for keys words
monstermaster13 - April 17, 2021 - Report this comment
@APC Thanks. I'll look into that.

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