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Song Parodies -> "Mr. Charles Rangel"

Original Song Title:

"Mr. Bo Jangles"

Original Performer:

The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

Parody Song Title:

"Mr. Charles Rangel"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It’s time for some more biting invective concerning a hack named Charles Rangel who largely walked on violations that you or me would be serving hard time. But as this poster boy for term limits said, “I am not regular people.” So what exactly are you then, Congressman Rangel?
Sung to the tune of: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band “Mr. Bojangles”

Mr. Charles Rangel

I knew a man Charles Rangel and he danced for us while singing the blues.
With silver hair, and 40 years in Congress halls, he paid his dues.
He aimed so high, he ran so high,
Before he quickly fell down

This man should be in a cell in a Federal hotel, with the down and out
He looked at me and said “I’m not Normal People!” (Without a doubt)
We’d do life, or at least ten years, and the feds wouldn’t laugh…

Mr. Charles Rangel, Mr. Charles Rangel
Mr. Charles Rangel, retire!

He said his name, Charles Rangel, then he politicked across the land
He keeps being elected by his constituents, and it makes no sense
The man’s a cheat and thief
He’ll have the last laugh, yes the last laugh,
Representing what’s wrong…

Mr. Charles Rangel, Mr. Charles Rangel
Mr. Charles Rangel retire!

He danced for those with wallets full of filthy green
so he could do their will!
He danced and pranced his toady dance; it was quite obscene
with a voice so shrill!
He was caught at last, yes at last but at 40 years we still grieve…

He said I dance even harder now because of censure
And prison fears!
But most amazing is that he still holds power…
Ducking taxes for years!
As we shook our heads, as we shook our heads
I heard some voters say 'Please'
Please ..........

Mr. Charles Rangel, Mr. Charles Rangel
Mr. Charles Rangel, retire!
Mr. Charles Rangel, Mr. Charles Rangel
Mr. Charles Rangel, retire!

The Jaded Lyricist

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.2
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.2

Total Votes: 5

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

User Comments

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Michael Pacholek - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
What, exactly, is Charles Rangel? He's a war hero, who was wounded in Korea and got a Bronze Star. He's a 42- year Congressman, who represents poor people, perhaps better (or at least longer) than any Congressman ever has. He's one of the last 2 remaining Congressman (John Conyers of Detroit is the other) who was on the House Judiciary Committee that held Richard Nixon accountable for Watergate. And in case you've forgotten, the government has never found enough evidence against him to indict him, for tax fraud or anything else. So why bring this up, especially after the case has been resolved? Isn't there another black Democratic politician you could try to railroad? One, perhaps, recently re-elected by majority vote and was named Time magazine's Person of the Year?
Patrick - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Best summation of a political career I've heard in a long time. If anyone really cared to know the reason politicians are so despised, it's their "I'm better than you" attitude. This particular constituency, nationwide, tends to hold their political representatives to a much lower standard, and most of them can't even match that.
Charles R. - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
I am a crook and I should be in the slammer, along with many of my colleagues.
Callmelennie - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
Charlie Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Charley Rangel, Charlie Rangel .. Play the angles for me (sha la la, sha la la) ... Charley Rangel .. How they hound him ... He's got income that the Service missed ... And he still maintains his Jersey property doesn't exist ;-D
constitution guy - December 20, 2012 - Report this comment
it doesnt matter who charlie was. let's see who he is. . . he supported the liberals bankrupting america with 2000+ pages of fines, TAXES, levies and freedoms dying. he supported bailing out GM and right after that they build 70% of their vehicles over seas, he supports this as do all hyprocritical idiot liberals. nice try M.P. but charlie is a piece of crap like most of his ilk. fiscal cliff? just cut spending our $ on illegals needs and generations welfare mooches for votes. start there and we're floating and we have jobs and we'll get paid better for them. but nope, liberals are a disease. thanks for ruining america. good truth filled parody
Real Members of Congress... - December 21, 2012 - Report this comment
Mister Tax-Law-Writing Tax-Evader Guy!

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