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Song Parodies -> "Don't Lead Us Astray"

Original Song Title:

"Don't Leave Me This Way"

Original Performer:

Thelma Houston

Parody Song Title:

"Don't Lead Us Astray"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

Fed up with all of Obama's false campaign promises of true change??? This song tells it like it is... Thought of it from "Drop Dead Diva's" Season 3 opening song!!!
Don't lead us astray
We can't survive
We can't stay alive
Without true change, Obama
Don't lead us astray, No!
We can't exist
We surely miss
America’s world leadership
Don't lead us astray

Obama, our nation’s full of unemployed and we’re tired of you
Now, come through on your promises or else you’re through
You’ve played us all for fools
Now, can't you see, we are losing our cool
Come on and satisfy America’s needs
'Cause we need jobs, homes, and our children to feed!!!

Don't, don't you lead us astray, No!
Don't you understand
There’s got to be a plan
Obama, please, please don't lead us astray, NObama!!!
Don't lead us astray, Hell No!
We can't survive
We can't stay alive
Without true change
Obama, don't lead us astray

Obama, our nation’s full of unemployed and we’re tired of you
Now, come through on your promises or else you’re through
You’ve played us all for fools
Now, can't you see, we are losing our cool
Come on and satisfy America’s needs
'Cause we need jobs, homes, and our children to feed!!!

We need true change Obama, need it, need it

Meet the needs of society, meet the needs of society
Hey, hey, Obama, come on, meet the needs of society
Obama, come on, restore American democracy
Obama, don't lead us astray, don't lead us astray
No, don't lead us astray, no don't lead us astray, Obama
Don't lead us, don't lead us astray, Obama

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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Wild Child JIN - June 22, 2011 - Report this comment
I wouldn't worry just about Obama's lies, all damn politicians of "your" world are nothing but "liars" But I speak the truth when I say, 555 for this parody Rob! :-)
Rob Arndt - June 22, 2011 - Report this comment
Personally, I think all politicians like lawyers live in "their" own worlds!!! There is a total lack of integrity and personal accountability with all of the modern Presidents. None of them DEM or REP ever REALLY think about the average Joe anymore and how hard it is to live. "Getting by" is not what made America great- it was the "American Dream", "American Know-How", and of course this Land of Freedom & Opportunity. So, Where the F--K has all of that gone??? And WHO will really bring real change w/o the US becoming either a Welfare Nation on on hand and a Dictatorship on the other??? Scary to vote anymore.. peace...

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