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Song Parodies -> "Someone Who's Ripped Off Your Music"

Original Song Title:

"Someone To Lay Down Beside Me"

Original Performer:

Karla Bonoff

Parody Song Title:

"Someone Who's Ripped Off Your Music"

Parody Written by:

Parker Gabriel

The Lyrics

"Someone Who's Ripped Off Your Music" drew inspiration from the controversies that have centered around sampling and alleged plagiarisms and infringements. It also tries to address an artist's possible feelings in cases where courts have to decide whether there has indeed been plagiarism and/or infringement.
You're a prominent singer with songs on the charts
That listeners take to their hearts
There's a trap that you have to avoid
Your attorneys will be so annoyed
To discover that there is a void in some soul

Then you'll hear
"I hate to tell you but someone out there
Has done what is really unfair
There's some tune that I've happened to hear
And it sounds like one you did before this
But you aren't getting credit or payment

It's someone who's ripped off your music
We've got to take them to court
That someone who's ripped off your music
Has really done you wrong"

When someone who's ripped off your music
Means you'll be going to court
That someone who's ripped off your music
Has really done you harm

Your case is debated and all you can think
Is that your reputation may sink
You're defending some work from your soul now
Someone else has it under attack
Then the judge orders credit and payment

From someone who's ripped off your music
That may not be what they planned
But someone who's ripped off your music
Now has to pay full price
Before her parkinsonism ruined her singing career, Linda Ronstadt had also interpreted "Someone To Lay Down Beside Me," the selection parodied here. Some people even accused Karla Bonoff, who actually wrote and composed it, of "copycatting" RONSTADT with HER performances of it!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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