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Song Parodies -> "I've Got to Protect the Boy"

Original Song Title:

"Thank God I'm a Country Boy"

Original Performer:

John Denver

Parody Song Title:

"I've Got to Protect the Boy"

Parody Written by:

Jeff Hingle

The Lyrics

This is a STAR WARS parody song I wrote to the tune of a 1970s John Denver hit. The original song was written by John Martin Sommers. The parody is sung from the point of view of Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi when he lives on Tatooine while Luke Skywalker's only 10 years old. I incorporated developments from the 2022 OBI-WAN KENOBI series on Disney-Plus into my parody.
Well, Tatooine life feels dull and out of whack;
My job here’s wrappin’ Bantha meat to pack.
Little Jawa tries robbin’ me to sell it back,
But I’m here to protect a boy.

M’ former Padawan’s twins must be kept from harm;
One is a princess learnin’ Alderaan charm.
The other lives here on his uncle’s moisture farm,
So I’ve got to protect the boy.

Well, their pop hurt his fine wife because he was riddled
With dark inner strife caused by Palpatine’s drivel.
We had a sword fight and I slashed him through the middle.
Hot lava left him destroyed.

Wanna train his son so the Force will flow
While Luke’s still little but his uncle says “no.”
He says farmin’ keeps all Imperial foes
Less likely to want the boy.

Guess I’ve prayed how I shouldn’t. What’s the way that I should
So my former mentor’s life Force is fin'lly understood?
Master Qui-Gon, if you can, I was sure that you would
Wanna guide me about the boy.

Well, his pop hurt his fine wife because he was riddled
With dark inner strife caused by Palpatine’s drivel.
We had a sword fight and I slashed him through the middle.
What if I let him be destroyed?

Well, Bail and his wife are in the fam’ly that rules
On Alderaan with Leia, their adopted fam’ly jewel.
He tells me by transmittal, “We hope once again you’ll
Be a soldier we can deploy.”

Bail says Leia’s missing, wants me to intervene;
He knows as a general my record was pristine.
He says, “You know how t’ track captors unseen.
Some clods took our pride and joy!”

Her real pop hurt his fine wife because he was riddled
With dark inner strife caused by Palpatine’s drivel.
Why can’t I just give my conscience an acquittal?
Guess I’ve gotten paranoid.

Well, the girl’s adoptive daddy helps me fin’lly decide
To somehow leave this sand planet unidentified,
But the mission jeopardizes how I huddle and hide
Fr’m hunt squads and detector droids.

An inquisitor on Daiyu tells me somethin’ of a riddle –
Some news about my protégé that wounds me not a little;
She taunts me how in spite of all that volcanic spittle,
Vader somehow was not destroyed!

How could I leave behind a life so mangled and shriveled
By cauterized cuts from my own saber’s sizzle?
My vain struttin’ caused my Jedi code to fizzle.
(Sigh!) I complied with the Emp’ror’s ploy.
Copyright 2022 by Jeff Hingle

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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