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Song Parodies -> "Lev's On"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Elton John

Parody Song Title:

"Lev's On"

Parody Written by:

Poo-Poo Pravda

The Lyrics

Lev's on TV everywhere around
And while he's on he's dropping a lot of names
Some folk say "Don't believe him 'cause he's a clown"

Lev's on, Lev's on and it's funny
'cause much of what he'll say
We find it turns out
Is true and he says more every day

He's got lots of paper
As backup, it's on display
He's been charged with crimes
But he is hardly the only one
In Trump's orbit that might go away

Or did, like Mike Cohen
Just one of the bad men
That Trump often leaned on
These suckers thought that he was their friend
Well but then he turned on
Them, now it's Lev's turn

Lev's not one he ever saw around
Didn't know he's alive
They're in lots of pix, gotta say
Pretty obvious one of them lies
But Lev's not even a little squeamish
About showing docs that bind
To events that have been proven
But everything Trump's got he hides

He hides all the paper
Tape backups are stashed away
People who don't do crimes
And who are not under the gun
Do not act in such a guilty way

And so now that Lev's on
He seems a less bad man
Both Trump and he, cons
And both of them should be in the slam
But as long as Lev's on
He's talking about bad plans
That the Donald spawned

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
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 5   0

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