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Song Parodies -> "Born To Munch (Tarrare's Theme)"

Original Song Title:

"Born To Run"

Original Performer:

Bruce Springsteen

Parody Song Title:

"Born To Munch (Tarrare's Theme)"

Parody Written by:

Hu's On First

The Lyrics

Well our subject first appeared on the scene back in 17 and 72
He seemed a nice little boy at first, but things got bad real soon
Ate his parents out of house and home
Would scarf down his weight in meat, leaving only the bones, oh
Listen, this guy'd rip the flesh off a goat
With his mouth trap, such a gluttonous chap
And he was only 12 years young
Parents kicked him out, sent Tarrare on the run

Paris '88, it was awfully great
It was a bustling, seedy city
Tarrare'd go perform a show
Folks would pay to watch him eat kitties
He ate a lot, but wasn't fat
But his skin hung loose, and he smelled extremely bad, oh
His body always hot to the touch
His diarrhea's odor was just too much
But no one knows why he was this way
Some think his thyroid or amygdala had gone astray

He joined the army back in '92, but the rations weren't enough
He ate a meal fit for 15 people, still it didn't fill him up
His massive gut drove the army nuts
Then they found a thing they hadn't tried
He'd be a spy; his intestines would conceal a box
With a secret note inside, uh

They sent him to the camp of Germans, but the language he didn't speak
The Germans chained him to a post, and then they whipped him till he was weak
They chained Tarrare to a run-down toilet
Box came out in his poop; Germans foiled the French's plan
Tarrare had to get out of there, when he got back he tried to find
A way to cure his appetite for giant-sized lunch
No cure was ever found; Tarrare he was born to munch

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Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 3.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   1

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