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Song Parodies -> "Its Annoying Man!"

Original Song Title:

"Iron Man"

Original Performer:

Black Sabbath

Parody Song Title:

"Its Annoying Man!"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Applause. Dennis Miller:"Okay, in an unrelated story....." Annoying Man:"Unrelated......." Dennis Miller:(Clearing his throat.) "As I was saying......" Annoying Man:"As I was saying......" Dennis Miller:"Oh no, ITS ANNOYING MAN!!!!!!!!!" Annoying Man:"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.......NEEEEEEEEE!"
(Riff is played.)

Dennis Miller:"Please don't touch me there. Can you keep your chubby hands off of my hair! Please don't make that noise. I don't want to holler, but I have no choice! Please don't wave your arms. Please do not do that or I will cause you harm! What's your problem, man? Why do you show up at all, stupid man?"

(Annoying Man takes a chalkboard and runs a fork on it and screeches. The audience is horrified!)

Dennis Miller:"Jon Lovitz plays this character. He has to be less annoying to get in to character."

Dennis Miller:"Why does he show up? Can't he just go away? Why does he show up? What is his problem?"

Dennis Miller:(Licking Dennis Miller!) "I am being licked by Lovitz now! What concentric circle of hell that is!"

Dennis Miller:"Why does he show up? What is his problem? Licked by Lovitz! What concentric circle of hell that is!"

(Riff is played. Annoying man reached in his pants and smears his poop on the set! Now, he wants to smear some on Dennis Miller!)

Dennis Miller:(Shaking Annoying Man.) "I have had enough of you, dude! On my nerves, ANNOYING MAN GO AWAY!"

(Riff is played as Dennis Miller kicks Annoying Man's butt. Music ends.)
Mike Myers and Dana Carvey come in with a stretcher dresses as EMS people. As they put Annoying Man on the stretcher, he looks at Dennis Miller and replies profoundly:"You don't have to yell."

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