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Song Parodies -> "Always A Gamer"

Original Song Title:

"Always A Woman"

Original Performer:

Billy Joel

Parody Song Title:

"Always A Gamer"

Parody Written by:

Norman Wanman

The Lyrics

I have nothing to say but enjoy it and please leave some comments.
You can sit all day long
You can don't go outside
You can shut out all lifeforms
Out of your life
You can draw out the curtain
And block all daylight
You know when you do that
You're always a gamer to me

You can beat 15 levels
In two to three hours
You can farm for your weapons
That takes all day long
You can fast for ten hours
And get glued to the screen
You sap mob like leech
And you're always a gamer to me

Ooohh... you take care of yourself
By sitting on bed pans
While you smell like corn chips
Ooohh... you try to stay out from
All social life reforms
Cause you have no more life

You always shout when
You play with other people
You have no more best friends
Cause they hate to play with you
You kill steal people when
You want loot for yourself
You are a fat bigot
But always a gamer to me

Ooohh... you take care of yourself
By sitting on bed pans
While you smell like corn chips
Ooohh... you try to stay out from
All social life reforms
Cause you have no more life

You are a fat loser
Whose social life's nil
You're a virgin for life
Cause your sex life is dead
You comfort yourself
When you start a new game
You're still a fat loser
But always a gamer to me
This parody is a copyright of Norman Wanman aka Fayte aka Symphix aka eiseys. The original song is copyrighted to Billy Joel. Please visit Do leave comments. Thank you!

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.3
How Funny: 4.3
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   2
 5   1

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

John Barry - June 18, 2007 - Report this comment
You've nicely reinforced the stereotype.
Jon Lovit - June 18, 2007 - Report this comment
Not too bad, at all. I believe the rhyme scheme could be improved to match the original, and the pacing could flow a little better. but as John Barry stated above, you captured the gamer stereotype well
Below Average Dave - June 18, 2007 - Report this comment
Norman, your effort was there, however "You can don't go outside" is one of several grammatical errors that made following the song somewhat difficult. . .keep writing, because clearly you belong on the site, but keep working on it buddy. . .
Tommy Vercetti - June 19, 2007 - Report this comment
Hmm, I dunno... I don't really have a thing of two to say at this song... I might post a parody, guys (GTA-related or otherwise)...
Norman Wanman - June 19, 2007 - Report this comment
Thanks, John Barry! Yeah, finding the correct words is tough to match the pacing but I did not listen to the original version of this song. I heard another parody of this song by Dr. Dirty with the same title as Billy Joel, describing the most horrible detail of women. Then, I went and got a CD of Billy Joel's stuff and I noticed my pacing was a tad off. Also, "You can don't go outside," is a Singaporean and Malaysian expression by gamers about how they hole themselves in cyber cafes and their rooms. The use Malaysia's and Singapore's dialect of English speaking called Manglish or Singlish has the fusion of Chinese, Malay and Indian words into the common English language. In Mandarin, "Ni bu yong chu chi." means 'You can don't go outside," or more grammatically correct, "You don't have to go outside." As you can see, the English I used here is a DIRECT translation of the Mandarin words and in Singapore and in Malaysia, where 40% of the youth spend their day lollygagging in cyber cafes, playing Internet games that both peers and parents, due to poor education of the English language, often use "You can don't go outside, you sure hidup (survive) laaah."

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