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Song Parodies -> "Taylor Swift Wrote Some Songs"

Original Song Title:

"I Write the Songs"

Original Performer:

Barry Manilow

Parody Song Title:

"Taylor Swift Wrote Some Songs"

Parody Written by:

Jeff in Richmond VA

The Lyrics

I'm sure Taylor Swift is a nice person. However, her fans and the media have turned her into an overrated Pop Tart. They worship her like she's a Goddess. Her music is the same as any other pop diva. She's probably good at what she does. I don't like it, but that's just my opinion. But it's not the GREATEST EVER EVER. (their words) If you say anything negative, her fans start bullying you. I don't give a &%$# what her fans think. This is what I think! (Taylor Swift singing:)
I was a Tween, or younger
When I wrote my very first song
I put some words and 3 simple chords together
I am TaylorSwift, and I'm writing songs

I'm writing songs 'bout boys that jilted me
Someday I'll write one about Travis Kelsey
I'm writing songs that all you suckers will buy
I'm writing songs, I'm writing songs

My show is sparkle and glitter
And my fans will yell and scream for more
Now when I look out into that crowd
I'm 12 again, even though I'm 34

I'm writing songs that make my Swifties sing
But every one of them's about the same thing!
I'll play a concert if it's raining or dry
I'll write some songs, I'll write some songs

Oh, my music makes me prance
Just like a horse dressage in France
And you filled my pocketbook, so how can I lose?
Call me a saucy tart, and my fans will tear you apart!
They're for me, they're a cult
It's a cult just for me
It's a worldwide stupidity

I wrote some songs about some boys who were mean
I've made more money than I ever had dreamed
My tickets cost so much, it'll make you cry
I'll write some songs, I'll write some songs

I'm writing songs for all the Cupcakes and Tweens
Now I'm more popular than Bruce Springsteen
Can't dance worth s**t, but then, at least I try
I'll write some songs, I'll write some songs

I am TaylorSwift, and I wrote some songs...

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.3
How Funny: 1.3
Overall Rating: 1.3

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   13
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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