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Song Parodies -> "You'll Hear it From Jack"

Original Song Title:

"The Year of the Cat"

Original Performer:

Al Stewart

Parody Song Title:

"You'll Hear it From Jack"

Parody Written by:

Jeff in Richmond VA

The Lyrics

Donald Trump....Three (soon to be four) sets of crimes against the United States. Yet, there are many people out there who are okay with it all. What does THAT say about THEIR character? The very things Trump is whining about are the very same things he says he will do if he ever gets reelected. Imagine that....a hypocrite Fascist Dictator in the White House. And his followers are no better...just like the Germans in 1933. We saw how THAT turned out, didn't we? I think Jack Smith has other ideas.....
It may feel like it's all just a movie
and we're going back to Nixon's times
You go poring through the files like Preet Bharara investigating his crimes
He comes out of Maralago with his big mouth running
Pointing fingers and assigning blame
Don't waste time seeking explanations
He'll just call you lots of names
till he meets up with Jack

He has no plans to answer questions
As he locks up all this stuff in court
And you know he lost his sense back when he pardoned
his friend Pauly Manafort
In the bathroom stalls, thru the basement halls
There's a hidden door that leads you to
Boxes of classified information
But we'll never learn the truth
till we hear it from Jack.

While he mocks this all so boldly
And his mouth runs at a campaign rally
He's got Eastman, Powell and Giuliani
Now we can't wait---- to find who's next to indict
You'll hear it from Jack

Election Day and you're still with him
but your friends and your relatives are gone
They're all tired of the lies, the Fox News bulls**t
So you have to double down
But the Trumpie stains on the Right remain
They'll support him in the trials he'll face
You know some day you're going to regret it
But it's right there in your face!!.... you'll hear it from Jack

You'll hear it from Jack......

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Pacing: 1.1
How Funny: 1.1
Overall Rating: 1.1

Total Votes: 53

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   52
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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