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Song Parodies -> "Happy Together (But Separate And Distinct)"

Original Song Title:

"Happy Together"

Original Performer:

The Turtles

Parody Song Title:

"Happy Together (But Separate And Distinct)"

Parody Written by:

Fiddlegirl and Tommy Turtle

The Lyrics

Now that the little joke-that-spun-out-of-hand is over for all of AIR, parody is *so* much better than arguing!

No attack here, just defense -- to the attacker who *plagiarized another writer's name* for the sole purpose of mocking her who was much too gracious to file a complaint about it.

Imagine me be you? Untrue!
Some stinker outed; play from spite
A phony blight
To wink and doubt the girl I love --
-- With whom to write [1]
Two chaps, we; together

I'd like to maul the schmuck;
Detest the slime:
Told you, "Hey, folks, so long, FG
"She's TT's mind
"Imaginary girl, is she
"Don't buy that line"
And snap him, whip, leather

Why can't see: we, groovin'? Embody, you do:
Such brawl and strife
FG, TT: maybe so jealous are you?
Go get a life!

Me is you
Or are you me?
Such madness comes across, this lice;
So sad is he
The only fun for him is to --
-- Say you are me
Go get s*it together!

AIR can't see us other than buddies, true blue
For all our lives
Envy? Wimpy baby still cries, boo hoo hoo:
FG revives!

We are two
And who are we?
A smattering of saucy/nice
We razz with glee
So lonely: one; so, pas de deux [2]
"Deux" you agree? --
So snappy together!

Ha ha ha! Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, to Riddlegirl!
Blah, blah, blah? Baah! Naah, You can't compah to Fiddlegirl!

Game is through
Through you, they see
Petarded by your own device [3]
Outcast, is thee
Get grown up, Son, or say "adieu"
Hear our decree
Stop wondering "whether...."

F-G, T-T: ever
So go kiss my nether
AIR likes us together
And sep'rate, whenever
'Cause each of us: clever
Happy together
A tie you can't sever
So, RG: What .... ever!
(Pbtthh, pbtthh, pbtthh... )
[keep thumbing nose, Bronx cheer, and hand-under-armpit until the deluded one, or his delusions, fade away]

[1] Lest we be misunderstood, that's one sentence: "the girl with whom I (TT) love to write", poetically rearranged to fit TOS. There's a great deal of friendship, deep respect, and a tad of mutual admiration :-), but nothing further is intended or implied, so please don't infer it.

(Never met, probably never will, but that's life. On the other hand, without the Internet, we wouldnt't even have e-met, and you wouldn't be reading this, either.)

[2] @ Riddlegirl: Let's see *you* work "pas de deux" into a parody (a pas de deuxody?), not to mention following it up with "Deaux" starting the next line. Now, go get your dictionary....

[3] "hoist by one's own petard" = hurt, ruined, or destroyed by the very device or plot one had intended for another.

Bonus footnote to footnote: (There is *none* like TT :-)
Origin of the above expression: 1590–1600; to break wind (deriv. of Latin "pēditum" -- a breaking wind; pēdere to break wind)

Etymology is sooo much fun! ... So is "dentomology", the science of putting dents into annoying insects, like swatting a pesky mosquito, as we just did. (The laTTer was a neologism from "dent" and "entomology", but let it be a warning to those who would attack TT's friends: You'll lose.)

© 2009 Fiddlegirl and Tommy Turtle. All rights reserved. E-mail:

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 4.1
Overall Rating: 4.1

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   11

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Jack Wilson - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
How fitting it being to a Turtles OS LOL, great job 5s
Patrick - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Clever use of language. Glad to see you are two. Petard is also the French word for "firecracker", n'est-ce pas? Looking forward to more collaboration (another time-honored French concept) in the future.
TJC - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
I echo Jack & Patrick regarding quality, but more to the point, the message Seems Definitive Enough to lay to rest this needlust speculumation... perhaps RG's been hoisted on 'her' own re'barb?
Riddlegirl - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment

No attack here? Is that some sort of riddle? I don't recall using derogatory terms like that in my parodies. But I suppose in your world whatever you say must be right, so it wasn't really an attack. Whatever.

At least you pulled yourself off the mat and spit out a flurry of words to try to save face that most people will probably buy, but I'm not. Hard to say how many characters you have in that shell, but it's probably 3 or more.

You are right, it did get out of hand, because you snapped on 12/2. It was never meant to be personal and now you're making it that way. Whatever.
The Walrus was Paul - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Perhaps TT & FG are one and the same, perhaps not. Could RG be part of the alleged Turtle collective too? ("Hard to say how many characters you have in that shell, but it's probably 3 or more").
Red Ant (aka "513") - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Well Tommy, now you know who "513" was. Onto this parody:

:"No attack here, just defense.."; pure BS, and I aint buying it. You ought to consider yourself lucky I don't have it deleted from the site.

"plagiarized another writer's name"; really? Riddlegirl is a parody name of Fiddlegirl.

"maybe so jealous are you?" "Envy?" Jealously and envy are recurring themes from you. Trust me, no one is jealous of your (whether singular or plural, as the case may be) skills. Admired at one point perhaps, but that point is long in the past.

You (TT) usually comment to comments left on your parodies, with one stark exception. Since you like shameless plugs (a great parody idea for "Tainted Love" - feel free to plagiar..., I mean, use it), I'll leave one for you:

really, you ought to go read the comments there again (if you ever did in the first place), because as intelligent as you are, it seems you have learned nothing in the over two in a half years since that parody was posted.

Finally, while the whole TT/FG caper/hoax/mystery/whatever was interesting, it has worn thin. I honestly don't care if FG is another writer or a figment of your imagination, because any author who would put their name on an attack piece like this doesn't deserve my respect, nor anyone elses. A 511 vote, and that is generous on the pacing since this is patently unsingable by anyone who isn't fluent in an Old English style of speaking. Which is pretty much no one.
Timmy1000 - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Nicely written and a fun OS to use. I think I would have played along with the RG conspiracy theory at first as you say you did. For now I'll accept that there are two of ewe, FG and TT. Just keep the songs coming.
Riddlegirl - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment

My God, it's worse than I ever imagined. Thank you for the enlightenment, Red Ant.

People, I can assure you that Riddlegirl is not TT/FG or even TJC, Jack Wilson or Patrick. I apologize for this, I should have done some more background checking beforehand. I truly did not see this coming.
Old Man Ribber - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
As it develops, Watson, there is really only one person that Riddlegirl could be. Riddlegirl is Professor Moriarty! ;D
Andria - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Agreed wholeheartedly with Red Ant! I won't say anything about the parody, since Red Ant said pretty much the same thing I would have as far as pacing, humor and the state of the TT/FG/RG scandal. 3-1-1.
PiddleGirl - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
More power to FiddleGirl. There's a lot we can do with that name.
Mark Scotti - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
"Happy" to read from "Both" of you!!!
2Eagle - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Google and search for #16203 to find a present for Fiddlegirl.
Tommy Turtle - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
"Red Ant" (pm me to prove that's you, please; the style of comment is not yours at all, and we've known each other for four years. The real Red Ant also doesn't do anonymous 513s. This is way beneath Jack Fletcher, so add him to the list of targets of this wacko)

Everyone: Until such proof arrives, I'm assuming "Red Ant" was posted by RG.

: How is saying that another writer doesn't exist not an attack parody, of which RG has made a "career". Actually, we were considering filing a complaint against RG for violating the rules on attack parodies.

FWIW, FG, TJC, and myself have agreed not even to read RG's rants any more, much less reply. Why even give the page hit? Wikipedia policy: "Don't feed the trolls." Ignore them, and maybe they'll go away. I hope everyone else will do likewise.

"patently unsingable by anyone who isn't fluent in an Old English style of speaking."

I had no trouble singing it to the YouTube video. Please state which lines are off, match them next to the OS line, and show the discrepancy.

Thanks to the supporters. Will reply individually later.
FG @ 2Eagle - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Awww... aren't you sweet? :D
Christie Marie M - December 03, 2009 - Report this comment
I like this parody. Nothing wrong with it. Like Mark: Happy to Read from both of you! 5's!
I Gues ThaT seTTles ThaT - December 04, 2009 - Report this comment
Red Ant wrote:
"And FG, FWIW now, I apologize to you, as spending an entire hour scanning all comments by you on your parodies and comparing them by IP to TT's reveals no shared IPs. So the parody title is correct."

Thank you for fulfilling my request about the IPs, Red Ant.

Any further questions? Are we through here now?

I'm Tommy Turtle and I approve of this comment I just posted. And I approve of Fiddlegirl, highly. And of all of her well--earned fans of her many solo works. And of the tremendous contributions she's made to our joint efforts. And of the fans of our joint efforts. Thank you all.
FG @ Red Ant - December 04, 2009 - Report this comment
Thank you, Red Ant, for taking time to help settle all of this.

I thought Riddlegirl's initial idea was clever and amusing, and said so at the time; however, it obviously went on much longer than it should have. I don't believe anyone would want to find themselves in a position where they couldn't get credit for their own work and comments. I know you understand that. Thanks again!
Fiddlegirl - December 04, 2009 - Report this comment
Thanks to all for kind v/c. AmIRighters are a great bunch!

That being said, I'd like to address the rather over-the-top vehemence of the other comments. While everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinions, and free to post them, no one has the right to presume to speak for me, nor for anyone else on this site. It is also rather hypocritical to decry perceived "personal attacks" in a parody by making even more personal attacks in one's response.

I've been fortunate to get to know TT fairly well as we've worked together on songs. He may be a lot of things (aren't we all?), but mean-spirited isn't one of them. We all know that internet communication has its limitations, and I'm sure all of us have been involved in misunderstandings resulting from those at some point. TT will joke as much as anyone else about his seeming arrogance and opinionated nature, as he's often done here in songs and comments. In reality, one would be hard-pressed to find anyone with more genuine respect for the talent of others on AIR, enthusiasm for life in all its varied richness, or who shows more loyalty and generosity to his friends. And that's the truth. :)
Riddlegirl - December 04, 2009 - Report this comment

Fiddlegirl wrote: "That being said, I'd like to address the rather over-the-top vehemence of the other comments. While everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinions, and free to post them, no one has the right to presume to speak for me, nor for anyone else on this site. It is also rather hypocritical to decry perceived "personal attacks" in a parody by making even more personal attacks in one's response."

I'll assume this paragraph is in reference to TT, since he is the only one who has gone "over The Top" in his vehemence, is the only one who has spoken for you throughout this entire thing and the only one who wrote a genuine "attack" parody? None of that paragraph applies to anyone else, it's all here in AIR black and green for everyone to see. Someone is working hard to keep this sort of spin on everything, when reality paints an entirely different picture.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I don't have the time or the energy or even now the desire to go back over the whole mess. The whole thing makes me sick that someone is permitted to run roughshod over people when their beak gets hacked off. Which is exactly what TT is doing right here on good old AIR. Bullying. And not the first time and surely not the last. I repeat- whatever.

BTW, one last ? before I separate from this travesty. How did the hubby like "My Fair Fiddlegirl? Cheers.

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