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Song Parodies -> "Hopin' Changin' Bird"

Original Song Title:

"Surfin' Bird"

Original Performer:

The Trashmen

Parody Song Title:

"Hopin' Changin' Bird"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This is being resubmitted because I misspelled my screen name as Callmellennie the first time around and now it can't be found in the Lennie Top 40 index. And just for a hoot I'll change up a few papa oomah maw maws. The "Grandpapa ummah Mau Mau" refers to the fact that Obama's grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was a Muslim who got caught up in the Mau Mau uprisings of the 1950's.
Orwell-a, everybody's dope about The Hope
Orwell-a, Hope, Hope, Hope, H-Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope, Hope, Hope, well, Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope, Hope, Hope, H-Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope, Hope, Hope, well, Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope .. Hope .. H-Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope, Hope, Hope, H-Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope,Hope, Hope, well, Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope .. Hope .. Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, don't you know about The Hope
Well, everybody knows The Hope was a trope
Orwell-a Hope .. Hope.. Hope was a trope

Orwell-a, everybody's raged about The Change
Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change .. Change .. Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change, Change, Change, Ch-Change was deranged
Orwell-a, aren't you raged about The Change
Everybody knows the The Change was deranged
Orwell-a, Change .. Change .. Ch-Change was deranged

wahwahwahwahwah .... (Aaaaaaaaaaugh ...)
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba- bama
Ummah Mao Mao, Obama doom Mao Mao Mao

Obama Ummah Mao Mao; Obama doom Mao Mao Mao
Obama Ummah Mao Mao; Obama doom Mao Mao Mao
Boomer Mao Mao; Oh bummer, doom Mao Mao Mao
Obama Ummah Mao Mao; Obama doom Mao Mao Mao
Granpapa Ummah Mau Mau; Oh bummer, doom Mao Mao Mao
Doom up, doom up, doom up; Boomer Mao Mao
Obama doom Mao Mao Mao; Obama doom up doom up doom up Mao Mao
Oh Bummer, doom Mao Mao Mao; Boomer Mao Mao
Obama doom Mao Mao Mao: Grandpapa Ummah Mau Mau
Oh bummer, doom Mao Mao Mao: Obama Ummah Mao Mao
Doom Mao Mao Mao; Obama boomer Mao Mao
Doom Mao Mao Mao; Granpapa Ummah Mau Mau
Doom Mau Mau Mau; Obama doom up, doom up, doom up Mao Mao
Doom up, doom up, doom up Mao Mao: Doom Mao Mao Mao
Oh bummer, doom Mao Mao Mao; Obama boomer Mao Mao
Obama Ummah Mao Mao

Orwell, don't you know about The Hope
Well, everybody knows The Hope was a trope
Orwell-a, Hope .. Hope .. H-Hope was a trope
Obama Ummah Mao Mao; Obama doom Mao Mao Mao ...

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 17

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   15

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Michael Pacholek - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
We hoped we'd be out of a depression: Change is good. We hoped he'd save the banking industry: Change is good. We hoped he'd save the auto industry: Change is good. We hoped he'd bring health care reform: Change is good. We hoped he'd end the Iraq War: Change is good. We hoped he'd kill Osama bin Laden: Change is good. How's that hopey-changey stuff workin' for me? Pretty good.
Callmelennie - January 26, 2012 - Report this comment
What a fun guy you are, Michael. And what's with this all this Unabombing. The first time it was posted, this song got EIGHT 3x5's. And are you seriously suggesting I'm not adequately tracking my "papa ooma mow mows?" In fact, I tracked the "papa oom mow mow's' and every iteration thereto and therefrom PERFECTLY -- exactly as they are sung on the record itself. I spent hours doing it and it was a real b*tch. I think I blew a microchip at one point because my wife found me at the console unconscious with smoke coming out of my years. Here and now oi'll be claiming that these are the best tracked "papa ooma mow mows" ever -- and oi'll be foighting any man in the bar what says different!!
Michael Pacholek is a blithering idiot - January 27, 2012 - Report this comment
"We hoped we'd be out of a depression". Ronald Reagan took over from the disastrous Carter administration and turned the economy around in 2 years. Obama is not worthy to shine Reagans shoes

"We hoped he'd save the banking industry". And now the banks are holding on to the taxpayer bailout while refusing loans to small business and entrepenuers, yet bank ceo's got their big bonuses.

"We hoped he'd save the auto industry". Obama screwed the shareholders with a return of pennies on their dollars, bailed out the unions (which are the problem). Oh, and those same unions contribute huge bucks to the Democrats. Oh, and nobody is buying the Obama-mobile ie, Chevy Volt. Buy Ford folks.

"We hoped he'd bring health care reform". Health care is 1/6 of the economy. Government wants that pie. Health care will suffer the massive inneficiency and red tape.

"We hoped he'd end the Iraq war" Not win the Iraq war, just end it. Iraqi Civil War will mean all the soldiers efforts and deaths will be in vain.

"We hoped he'd kill Osama bin Laden" How many time does the idiot Pacholek have to be told, Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden. Not Obama
Liberal Hypocracy yet again - January 27, 2012 - Report this comment
Ever notice how the idiot Liberals never said, "Bush killed Saddam Hussein"..., "Bush killed Saddams evil sons Udi and (whoever the other one was)"..., "Bush got the Taliban out of Afghanistan"..., "Bush killed dozens of Al Queda terrorists"...No! Rightfully so, it was the American Troops who did all that. Yet when years of intelligence (gotten through waterboarding, by the way) finally pins down Bin Laden, all Obama has to say is a no-brainer, "sure kill him, preferrably before my next round of golf". Then the limp-wristed treehuggers give all the credit to their DICKtator.
Old Man Ribber - January 31, 2012 - Report this comment
Lennie - On purely technical grounds and fine humor, quite an achievement here. Last night, I bought a $3 drink in my local tavern. I gave the bartender a five dollar bill. He gave me back two tens.THAT finally is "change" that I can believe in! ;D
Andria - January 31, 2012 - Report this comment
OMR, I bought a $2.49 64-ounce jug of iced tea today, paid with a $5 and got a $10 back. Of course I returned the $10... Lennie, this is great as usual, I've been around the site in some way or another since 2000 and can't believe I haven't paid more attention to your work. The Obummer administration is what turned me into a moderate... 5s.
Melanie Lee - August 06, 2015 - Report this comment
2015: I still like Obama, and I like this parody, too! Made me laugh. 555.

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