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Song Parodies -> "Simple Minds"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Sound Of Music

Parody Song Title:

"Simple Minds"

Parody Written by:

Linda Terhune

The Lyrics

BEWARE: Television is not a purveyor for trustworthy information.
Simple minds, puppet mimes
Staring into your TV
Soak it up, sink it in
Watch it so faithfully

We'll tell you what to think
What to know, how to feel
And vote too
Show our side
And we'll hide
The stuff we think may collide

TV wise, thoughts demise
You'll learn all that you need to
TV knows more than you do
So let the TV think for you

With our half truths and our suggestives
Don't be restives
We're here for you
We know you're not smart
Just do your part
And all you need we'll impart
FahrenHype 9/11 - know the REAL facts!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.1
How Funny: 3.2
Overall Rating: 3.2

Total Votes: 33

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   14
 2   0
 3   1
 4   4
 5   14

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Paul Robinson - October 10, 2005 - Report this comment
DKTOS (yeah, I know..."who doesn't know 'Edelweiss'? Maybe I do, but I can't place any of it.) , so I can't judge this on pace, but I thought this was pretty interesting and a good message.
Agrimorfee - October 10, 2005 - Report this comment
I have no idea where that last stanza came from. Otherwise it was pretty good (and bi-partisan, I might add, Linda.!:))
Michael Pacholek - October 10, 2005 - Report this comment
A considerable improvement over your previous work... if for no other reason than it applies to Fox (a.k.a. Faux News) far more than to your apparent intended targets!
carol - October 10, 2005 - Report this comment
Much improvement.
Belle - October 11, 2005 - Report this comment
Very good. 5's
Immoral Liberal - October 12, 2005 - Report this comment
Linda, my fascist friend, very good piece on "Fair & Balanced" Fox News.
Linda - October 13, 2005 - Report this comment
Paul Robinson, Agrimorfee, Belle â€" thank you for your compliments and for taking time to write them, very sweet. -------------------- Michael Pacholek, First of all, your “considerable improvement” compliment is meaningless to me and followed by your intervention of the extremely tired “Fox / Faux” line, (you libs must have a playbook of names and snide comments, rhymes etc., that you all share, because once one says it, you find that it is used by hundreds and hundred… CLUE: the playbook should be updated; there have not been any new, creative and certainly no original thoughts from the left in a long time! Furthermore and once again, you are incorrect about my “intended targets”, but hey, gotta cut some slack for the guy without creativity, redundancy overloud and who adopts all the playbook’s slogans / rhymes / disrespects well after they have grown tiresome by the majority of demoncrats. Finally, I take it that you watch Fox News a great deal more than I do, you seem to know all about it. Do demoncrats make it a habit to watch something they only have a cute alternate name for in their arsenal book? I mean, you are all experts, but have nothing to say, show, factual, etc., only the same old same old same old… Gosh, it must such to be such an out of touch parrot!
Linda - October 13, 2005 - Report this comment
Carol, come on now, why even post, to pretend to be nice or to be a good judge of parody songs? Please, go prove your amazing talents of perception in comments for other author’s songs. You see, I have seen your announced vote scores and your praise of some sleazy, down right terrible, poorly written and immature pieces that did not meet the pacing 89 percent of the time, but they were bashers against the wicked right and that means reason enough to score it tops and tell the world. Hey, it’s party time, lets get to the bash tonight, huh? Hey, many of the songs you rate, only need to give you a little ego boost, (false as that is)… And the authors need only to cut down, divide, lie, weaken the country, make up anything = just make it bad, repeat really “fun things for you” like “Bush is Dumb” (a winner line in most demoncrat intellectual circles), and you are there, cheering them on and/or adding your tidbit to the merriment! Hey, they do not even need a real song, they can make up a title for the original song, repeat the “Bush is dumb” scholar statement of the year --- several times ----- misspelled, and your are good to go & they are pro! Next you show up at one of my political parodies and just as boldly and proudly, share your real “feelings” of horror over how terrible they are… Oh, once you added the “your other songs are better” line and tried to get me to buy your miss bipartisan scheme â€" but who is that dumb, not me! If I read a pro-republican song, (rare as it is and God only knows why), and the song is just not great, really poorly written â€" I can say so nicely or just leave, but not you, you are the judge and jury, “improvement” my arse. For no other reason at all, you commented on all the pro-right song or anti-democrat song… in the least when I comment on the liberal’s songs, I try to say why rather than deflect with that holier than thou thing going on. ------------Overall, I guess I have to give you more credit than Michael, who cannot bring himself to even like any of the non-political songs and hate all the political ones. He may die and lose all his comfort here, his status and his apparent sole sore of esteem if he said something constructive, kind or just a “nice job” without some added comment that makes in known it’s just a backhanded, poor excuse for a reason to dig more, bash more, doesn’t matter, he loves to hate, hate’s his game, feels good about his hate and leads the rest of you into more of it.
Moral Conservative - October 13, 2005 - Report this comment
Pay them no mind, Linda. They're just jealous because "Crazy Like A Fox" News is doing great and their beloved See-BS is in the dumpster. (And have you heard about how the New York Slimes had to can a bunch of its employees recently because its circulation figures are so shitty?) They're also mad because Dan Rather and Mary Mapes are still out on their asses in spite of anything their media munchkins can do. It's no use arguing with people as detached from reality as they are. They're losing it, just like Rangel has and just like "Burger King" Ritter and Wilson did before him.
Immoral Liberal - October 13, 2005 - Report this comment
That's right, we're detached from reality because we're not out in the barn doing the family mule like the evangelical farmers. And the Washington Times and New York Post are the papers of record - right. Enjoy it now my fascist friends - the American people are finally catching on to this Republican Culture of Corruption and the control of the party by the extremist evangelical wing. Dumb Bush approval ratings continue to sink, support for the unjust war in Iraq continues to sink - all at 40% of below. While support for immediate pull out of the unjust war continues to rise. Rove, Delay, Bush, Libby - sleaze, evil and killers. Miers or no Miers: Roe v. Wade will continue to be the law of the land. Where's Osama? It's been more than four years.
Linda - October 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Moral Conservative - all true, thanks. ------------ side note; immoral liberal is a redundant, silly little thing, more aptly named, immature liberet
Cat - October 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Dang it, I thought this was a song about the band that sang "Don't You Forget About Me."
carol - October 16, 2005 - Report this comment
that rant was completely uncalled for.
carol - October 16, 2005 - Report this comment
linda--I really thought it was good, rated 5's on it and you go off on me like that? Stupid cow.
Some guy - October 17, 2005 - Report this comment
I thought so too, Cat; after all, where else do you see the words simple and minds together? Their other big hit was "I Like It Kinky"; oops I mean "Alive And Kicking."
Linda - April 01, 2006 - Report this comment
No, sorry Carol, but in reality (even though it escapes you), you are patronizing me, you are manipulative and if you can’t see it, you should really ask your family and friends & get the truth about manipulation â€" I don’t stand for being manipulated at all â€" so if you cannot be honest, then don’t comment at all. If you have no idea what I am talking about, don’t comment anymore in that case either â€" frankly, I doubt you can be honest so just don’t comment â€" it will save you from playing/being the poor victim and me the villain, that show is getting old fast.
carol - April 07, 2006 - Report this comment
linda--I'll comment all I please and I hope it drives you crazier than you already are. You are the last person alive to admonish me about honest you dumb bitch.
Linda - May 10, 2006 - Report this comment
Oh My AGAIN, --- Carol ---- You see what you wrote, golly! And here I tried to save you from any additional self-inflicted negative, victimized, defensive and raging feelings â€" and THAT is the thanks that I get???????????? ----------------- ----- -------- --- As far as your ‘hope’ goes, sorry hun… as I have told you in the past whilst you were in yet another one of your potty-mouthed trucker states; --- your rampant temper tantrums do not upset me in the slightest, don’t flatter your little drunken sailor tongued self. As far as your hysterical rages making me ‘crazy’ â€" I would have to say, that’s a wasted hope on your part. See, your Doctor Jeckal / Mr. Hyde routine is actually darn amusing to me as is your increasingly more vulgar language. It merely demonstrates to me how ‘on-the-money’ I was in predicting your manipulative nature and exposing your ‘sweet charming’ act for the act it was! So, if you are game and are not on the path to some heart attack from your tantrums, feel free --- let em rip! Call me ‘dumb __’ all you would like, live it up! Go right on and believe you are brilliant, smart, and a poor slighted victim, I don’t mind; you are a prime example of the mentality of the democrats â€" so your stuff is very helpful!
carol - July 06, 2006 - Report this comment
lol! you are easy to patronize, your rants are all the same and you sound crazier than ever. LOL!

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