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Song Parodies -> "Worst Movie"

Original Song Title:

"Let it be"

Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:

"Worst Movie"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Song about my opinions of my fav and least fav movieWarning: YOU MAY DISAGREE!!!
When I find myself in times of boredom
I found a paper next to me
Asking what is the world's worst movie
And then I though of year seven
Ruoxi and I, we agreed
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Worst movie, worst movie, worst movie, worst movie
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Cuz when a thousand people died
You don't make fun of them
So Titanic is the world's worst movie
The media said it's the best
But to me, it's just a mess
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Worst movie, worst movie, worst movie, worst movie
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Worst movie, worst movie, worst movie, worst movie
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Worst movie, worst movie, worst movie, worst movie
Titanic is the world's worst movie
And the opposite of Titanic?
The paper then asked me
Asking what is the world's best movie
I remembered the happy times
My friends and I watched it
And I wrote down the world's best movie
Best movie, best movie, best movie, best movie
Star Wars is the world's best movie
Worst movie, worst movie, worst movie, worst movie
Titanic is the world's worst movie
Best movie, best movie, best movie, best movie
Star Wars is the world's best movie

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